Thursday, December 9, 2021

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! Rebecca Jo, Leslie and I are back with another week of our weekly link party, where we share about all the things we have to be thankful for. 

This week there are two big things that stand out to me that I am so very thankful for. The first is the God's word. Lately I've been having some of the best times with Him as I sit with Him each morning and read the bible. Most of you know that our sons are all adults now and working full time, so once they leave home for work in the mornings, I am alone for the rest of the day. It has taken some getting used to, but now that I'm used to this, I love my time alone each day and spend most of the day talking to Jesus. I read His word, I pray, I pray, I read His word. 

I am doing this study on Hebrews with my friend Bri and I am loving reading this rich book. The Lord has been so sweet to show me truths out of His word so often lately. Things I usually struggle with haven't been popping up as much in my heart because I'm spending more time focused on the truth that is His word. I'll give you an example—I have struggled with anxiety since I was an older teenager. Fairly often, I struggle with this. But lately as I've started to feel that anxious feeling arise within me, I pray immediately. I pray scripture to the Lord. One favorite passage to use for this is out of Ephesians 6:10-18. I might say something like this:

"Lord, thank you for reminding me of the truth of your word. Thank you for reminding me that I can fight this battle with your word and thank you for reminding me to put on my spiritual armor so I can stand against the schemes of the devil. I know that my struggle isn't against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers of this dark world and I know that this battle is a spiritual one. Help me to stand strengthened in the armor you give me, Lord."

All of that is taken from Ephesians 6:10-18.

Friends, this has been life changing. When I am having a moment and I feel myself about to get irritated or snarky with someone, I pray quietly to myself and ask the Lord to help me extend patience and kindness to the person I'm getting irritated with. His word is living and effective, we're told in Hebrews 4:12, and I am so thankful I have it at my fingertips.

(This picture above is the study I'm doing on the book of Hebrews with Bri. It's been SO GOOD! We're long distance friends, so I'm looking forward to a phone call with her tomorrow to discuss what we've done so far since we began the weekend after Thanksgiving.)

The other thing I'm thankful for this week is for the opportunities that the Lord gives me. He's been giving me opportunities to write lately, and I joined in with a team of other writers for WHEN, a branch of Hosanna Revival Publishing. They published an article I submitted to them several weeks ago called, When the Holidays are Hard. I'd love for you to read it and be encouraged. (Click on that link to read.)

He's given me opportunities to write more for Tirzah magazine for women. Here is the latest article that was published a few weeks ago. I am working on the next writing project with my friends from church that will be ready to take in the fall of 2022 and I the Lord recently gave me an entire outline for a book I want to write. I couldn't sleep one morning in the earliest of hours, so I got up and had to make a note on my phone so that I would remember. I don't have a title or anything, but I have the theme/topic, target audience and each chapter outlined. I have two other ideas for books as well, one that I'm working on and one that I need to make notes about so that I will remember.

The Lord is faithful, my friends and I want to make sure and give Him the praise for allowing me to write. He is so gracious to give me opportunities to write for Him and that's what I want to do—I want to point everyone to Him. I am ready and willing for Him to use and I am grateful for any chance He gives me to share His name and His love with those who are hurting.

It's your turn now! What's one thing you're thankful for this week? I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. ❤

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  1. Jen- YES! Me too. I always think of the verse in Galatians (I think) about walking by the Spirit and I thank Him for that daily. He truly directs my steps and sets the coarse for each of my days and circumstances. He has also been known to close my mouth instead of letting me spew off in anger or in sarcasm. I'm so thankful for this!

  2. I am thankful this week for how the Lord has provided a friend for me during a week of high nerves.

    1. Oh wow! That is amazing. Isn't He wonderful to do things like that for us? His goodness could never be measured!

  3. I did a study on Hebrews not too long ago & loved every minute of it!

    1. That is awesome. I knew I liked this book, but I'm amazed by how great it has been to study it, which is a book I've never studied.

  4. I'm looking forward to the days when hubby goes to work and I get some time at home alone. Now, I love to be with my husband, but I think I will enjoy those few hours in the day. It starts in January...yay!

    1. I know you are, Cathy! I have grown to love this time. I just talk to Jesus all day! I'm so excited for you. It'll start right at the beginning?

  5. Yes, my first day of retirement is January 1, 2022!!


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