Thursday, December 16, 2021

Thankful Thursday, birthday edition


Happy Thursday, friends! I'm joining in with Rebecca Jo and Leslie as we co-host one of the last Thankful Thursday posts of the year. It feels weird to write that—I feel like I have trust issues with each new year from here on out, thanks to the last two we've had. 

I'm only writing about one thing this week and that is about how thankful I am for my family and friends. My birthday was Tuesday and the whole week has been one long celebration. I requested from Todd and my sons that I wanted dinner together and pictures on our town square for my birthday and they delivered. We went to a new (to me) pizza place and had the best pizza, then we drove thirty seconds around the corner to the town square for pictures.

Don't ask why Drew had his shirt off. I didn't and I'm sure I don't want to know. 🤣 It was such a great night. On Tuesday I woke up to cards and all my favorite candy. The boys always get me my favorite candy for my birthday, which is so funny to me. I love it though, and wouldn't change it for all the money in the world. I also love seeing their different personalities come through in their cards they pick for me. 

Drew gave me a Yankee candle that is my favorite scent and that I've already been burning. Several of their friends reached out to me and all the people I love either texted or called me (or both) and posted on Facebook. It was such a great day. I had lunch with my mom and nephew Jaret, who was here visiting from Colorado, then Todd and I went to dinner last night.

Yesterday I had lunch with my mom in love and today I'm going on a one night trip with my best friend for a Christmas concert and fun little mini getaway. I'm really excited about this, because these days, we never see each other! We can't even get five minutes alone now and I am not exaggerating. Just Sunday night was proof of that, as we walked to our car and were sidetracked by some visiting people at church. (And I would not change that for anything!) Needless to say, we have a lot to catch up on and we plan on having loads of fun. 

It was a great week and I'm looking forward to a great weekend as well. We're having our first Christmas celebration this weekend, believe it or not. I'm not sure if I'm ready! I am definitely not ready to be finished with this beautiful month. How has your week been? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all!

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  1. I'm glad that you felt loved and celebrated on your birthday. Dinner out with your best boys sounds like a fantastic way to spend your actual day and how fun that you have other celebrations coming up.

  2. Thanks, Maria! You are absolutely- nothing beats time with my people! And yes, I am excited about today and tomorrow! I hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. So glad it was such a great day of celebrating you! And I'm curious, what is the new pizza place you recommend? :)

  4. Thanks, Marilyn! It was so good. It's Lost Pizza CO. right off the town square. My favorite was the plain cheese!


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