Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Prime Purchases, December edition and everything Christmas!

Good morning! I'm linking up with Tanya for this monthly blog post on all the things I purchased from Amazon Prime lately. I'm not going to share everything though, don't worry. It's a lot.

First up is something for me! I love using this and ran out recently. I take remove my makeup each night with coconut oil and a nubby wash cloth with cool water. I have super dry skin and the oil puts some back into my skin. I like to use this to remove any that the coconut oil and wash cloth missed and I like that it doesn't dry my skin out, because it's alcohol free. (Click on the picture below and you'll be redirected to Amazon.)

I bought these comforters for three of our sons for part of their Christmas gifts and have been so impressed by them! They're soft and plush and wash/dry wonderfully. (Link in pictures below- click on the image.)

(Click on any picture above to see them on Amazon.) They're reversible! I love them. I love the price even more! Their lights that you see also came from Amazon. Here is a link for some that do not change colors and do fancy things. Jonah recommends the kind that flash or do other cool things.

I can't find a picture, but here are the sheets I bought for the two new queen sized beds Jonah and Noah each got for Christmas. They're so soft! I was impressed by how well they wash and dry.

And lastly, I've ordered a few pairs of these pants. I can't find a picture, so click on this link. I bought Noah two pairs of these a while back and he loves them. He works outside a lot, so he needed something warmer and soft. 

And of course I borrowed books from Kindle Unlimited through Amazon and I bought a few inexpensive ones I know I'd love.

There is lots more that I ordered, but I can't share because of Christmas. What was your favorite thing that you purchased there lately? I'd love to hear! Thanks for reading, friends. Love to all. 


  1. I always struggle at finding your links. Any chance you could make them a different color? Thank you kindly

    1. I will try to remember to do that when I get back home today. If it's near a picture, did you click on the picture? Sorry you're having issues finding it, I'll get it changed for you. ❤ Also, thanks for letting me know! This is great feedback.

  2. Hey Jennifer - the link for the pants (warm and soft ones...yeah!) doesn't seem to be working. I would love to look at them though. Thanks!

  3. I'm getting some of that witch hazel!!!!!

    & love your Kindle cover!

  4. Jennifer- Thanks for letting me know! I tried it again and it seemed to be working, but just to make sure, I edited it to see if that helps. I hope it works for you now!

  5. Rebecca Jo- good! I love that stuff. It smells so good! Thanks, I got it on Amazon as well, several months ago. Imagine that!

  6. What a great price on that comforter! Thanks so much for linking up!

  7. Tanya, it really was! I plan on making that our next one as well. Thanks for hosting this post each month, it's one of my favorites!


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