Friday, December 3, 2021

Friday Favorites, 12.3.21


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika today for this weekly favorites blog post.

I hope you've had a good week! I have. It's been nice and easy, which I always love. I thought I'd share a few favorite things that went on in the last week's time. 

 First up was this amazing sermon my friend AJ preached. I love taking notes and I love looking back on it throughout the week. It's my favorite when the sermon really prompts me to pray specifically about something all week. This week I've been praying that I would be a kingdom-minded person who believes in Jesus, thinks like Jesus and loves like Jesus. What a perfect challenge for us during this time of year that the whole world celebrates Jesus, even if they don't know Him. One day, my friend, every knee will bow at His holy Name.

Funny sayings like this one above are my favorite. This one made me chuckle a little too hard because it is so very true. I mean, I would take every one of these things offered to me as gifts. 🤣

When we bought our house eighteen years ago, these stairs were my favorite part of the whole house. I love that they're worn now and so rustic looking. I would never change them! I gave a Christmas home tour on my blog this week. I'd love for you to check it out! You can click here to see the post. 

It's always a favorite night to join my worship ministry family as we deck the halls at church. We were given Chick Fil A for dinner and then we started decorating. It only took a couple of hours. After this, my friend Teresa and I went and grabbed a peppermint milkshake. They're my favorite!

I found some favorite treasures this week as I cleaned out a cabinet. I love putting things like this inside the cover of my bible. 

Another favorite night this week was the night we had Tablescapes at our church. This is an annual women's event that was cancelled last year, so it was good to be back and the perfect way to kick off the Christmas season. These pictures above were our musical guests High Road and this was the table I decorated and hosted.

I love my sons' rooms upstairs! I love how different their tastes are and that they love twinkling lights as much as their mom. I had straightened up a little upstairs one day when I took these. The only room that was already as pictured is the middle one and it belongs to Jonah. 

My favorite thing is to repurpose the things in our home. This book shelf was in Jonah's room and he used it as a nightstand until this past weekend when their new beds came in. He needs a lower nightstand now, so we put this in our bathroom. I'd been wanting a piece of furniture here for some extras of things we have to keep in here, like q-tips, cleaners, soaps, that scale. This worked perfectly!

Christmas shirt, check. 

Christmas earrings, check.

Christmas shirts and accessories are my favorite.

Eating little bits of several things is my favorite. I often do this for lunch or dinner. This was my lunch yesterday and it was all so good.

I'll end this post with one last favorite, thanks to my friend and fellow blogger, Tanya. See the pretty image on my tv? It's a YouTube channel! Calmed By Nature is a channel that plays videos with scenes like the one pictured above. A lot of them even play soft piano music in the background. I leave this on all day and it makes me so happy to see something so pretty above the fireplace. It's easiest if you subscribe to the Calmed By Nature channel and then search for Christmas videos/images. 

You can thank me later. I hope you have a great weekend, friends. Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. ❤


  1. Your boys' rooms are so neat! Very impressed. Regarding your lunch- those brown sticks look a little bit like cinnamon sticks (though I doubt they are, lol)! The lunch looks yummy- I look forward to having lunch at home every day when my sub job ends soon. Enjoy the day and weekend, friend!

    1. Thanks, Maria! One of them wasn't very neat, but I took the liberty of helping him out. 😂 The brown sticks are slim Jim's! That's funny, they do look like cinnamon sticks! I know you will love that when you're home more again. I hope you have a great weekend! ❤

  2. All Holiday season long, I keep those sorts of youTube channels up - they are so soothing!!!
    Loving your Holiday shirt... something about Holiday shirts/sweaters that make me happy.

  3. oh the Christmas meme is so true! My husband and I just were talking how content we are and gifts are not so important anymore. Jesus sure makes a difference in one's life

  4. I looked up that YouTube Channel last night (I think I saw it on your Instagram) and put it on for a bit. Loved it so much. Thanks for the info.

  5. I just ordered some Christmas earrings...I wish they would arrive! I did buy one Christmas t-shirt this week - but it is not nearly as cute as yours! Loved your Friday post. Headed to check out your home tour - fun!! Oh, and that tablescape you did....totally adorable!!

  6. I love the precious little notes in your Bible! I have a couple tucked in line but I should tape them like you did… and save a few more. The years go fast and sometimes I miss the treasure of these little notes. The shelf looks great in your bathroom!! I had to smile at the fact that I just did that same thing over here a couple months ago with an old bookshelf that was up in our office. 😊

  7. Rebecca Jo- thank you! I will be the old lady who unashamedly wears a different Christmas sweater vest every day of the season in a few years. Ha! I agree about the YouTube channels, they're great! I hope you're having a good weekend, my friend.

  8. Jen- you are so very right! He is all I need and I do not lack for one single thing. I hope you're having a great weekend!

  9. Cathy- I'm glad you looked into it, I think you and your husband will enjoy the soothing images and sounds! I hope you're having a wonderful weekend, my friend.

  10. Thanks, Jennifer! Christmas clothing/accessories is so much fun! I order all of my earrings off of Amazon. They usually come in a pack of ten or more and they're inexpensive. I am always misplacing an earring or one becomes tarnished, so I don't have any regrets when I have to toss them and start over. That's where I purchased the Christmas earrings from. I've had them for about three years now and they came in a pack of about twelve pairs and were less than $13.

    I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

  11. Thanks, Bri! Someone shared that trick with me and I knew someone else would love to do the same thing. It's valuable and wasted space! I've done this since the boys were little. That's so funny that you just did the same thing at your home a couple weeks ago! I love this little shelf and have had fun adding Christmas touches there. Last night I even added a strand of battery operated (with a timer) Christmas candy cane lights. SO FUN! I hope your weekend has been good so far!


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