Friday, December 10, 2021

Friday Favorites, 12.10.21


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for this weekly blog post, where a bunch of bloggers talk about all their favorites from the week. This can be a circumstance, a picture or funny meme or an actual product. 

I saw this on another blog or on social media, I can't remember, but it's one of my favorite things from this week. I don't care how goofy I look or what people think about me—I LOVE dressing in Christmas colors for this season. I wear bright earrings like these everyday.

I drink out of festive cups like this one below and I read #alltheChristmasbooks also pictured below.

Just call me Mrs. Christmas. My birthday is in December, did I really have any choice in this? I think not.

My favorite shoes at this moment are these:

I treated myself to an early birthday present—these Puma slides from Academy. They were half price, so that made them around $15, but my knee has been bothering me lately and somehow these shoes are helping. 

My favorite early morning activity when I have nowhere pressing to be:

I love to drink coffee and read my book when the sun hasn't even shown up yet. I'm up at four something almost every morning. Yesterday I as up at 4:50, but the day before I was up at 4:00. I actually love this, so don't feel bad for me. I'm very productive in the early morning hours! It's my favorite time of day.

My favorite night of the week was when we celebrated Bill (Big Daddy) on his birthday Monday night. It was not my favorite when he fell in our garage and hurt his hand, side and head. 

Low quality picture, high quality man and sons. I love this man so much! I felt terrible about him falling and am just thankful he's okay and not any worse than what I mentioned. It could have been very different! I think he just got tripped up over the last step...maybe the depth of it or something? Bless him!

Another favorite night this week was Wednesday night at our choir rehearsal. We're having our Christmas worships program this Sunday night and it was so much fun! I love being able to participate in something like this and I am very thankful for our worship pastor Joshua, his assistant Laura and our amazing technical director Jeremy and all his team. A lot of hard work and preparation goes into this and my husband has been there several nights in the last two weeks. Joshua is one of the kindest men I've ever had the honor of singing for. I've sang for several over the course of my life and he is the nicest by far. Things were stressful at one point, but his voice was calm, he remained kind and did not seem to get frazzled in anyway. I've never been so thankful for those attributes in a worship leader.

Look how little Chip was in this picture below!

I called him Christmas Chip, because we got him Thanksgiving week, four years ago. I wish they'd stay so little like this! 

Speaking of favorites...

My oldest son Graham made this bed for himself last weekend! He bought the lumber, cut all the pieces to the size he needed and put this all together in about three hours last Saturday. He then attached some LED lights that come in a strip to the underside and they make it look like it's floating. Jonah has this as well, with the lights but with a different bed and it's my favorite! Look at Graham's baby dog Oakley sitting so pretty on his bed. She's so sweet.

Jonah and Noah at this age were my favorite!

That is the only thing Noah wanted for Christmas about two years before this picture was taken—a Santa suit. My amazingly talented mom whipped this thing up in no time, it seemed like and she delivered for us that year. I was so grateful for her sewing abilities! I loved that he wore this to a school function at Barnes and Noble that year and didn't care what anyone thought. He is actually still like this today. 

Another favorite thing from the week was when Mom, Trish and I went shopping in our favorite Memphis (local) shops on Saturday. This is one of my favorite traditions each year!

You can read about that day here

Another favorite thing from this week was having something I wrote being published this week. You  can read about that on this post. And Here is my latest submission for WHEN—a branch of the Hosanna Revival Publishing. Another recent publication that I wrote is this one for Tirzah Online Magazine for women. You can read that post by clicking on this link

Lastly, my final favorite from the week was when Dad and I had the honor of sitting together at The Jingle Bell Jam at my church last Sunday night. He and Sandy, and my in-love's Phyllis and Wiley all came and sat with me at the table where my friend Casey and I were sitting. It was the most fun night and the music was incredible.

Like I said—it was such a fun night! 

Speaking of Dad, he is coming over today to kick off the start of the weekend, and this is always a favorite for both of us. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. ❤


  1. Your son is talented! What a great skill to have. Congrats on your article publications. I hope you have a great, festive weekend, friend!

  2. Thanks, Maria! For all of that. My sons all tend to take after their dad with talents like that. My hubby is the most handy person I know. He can repair anything, literally. I'm so glad he's that way and that he passed that down to the guys. It's a wonderful trait to possess! I hope your weekend is the same!

  3. Congratulations on your articles being published! Have a great weekend!

  4. What a wonderful week you've had!

  5. I love that Graham just shipped that together like it was no big deal! Must come from the great teacher he had growing. 😊

  6. I just read that book this month too! It's such a cute story. My husband and I get up between 4 & 4:30 everyday; he goes to work early but I read until 5 when I then do 30 minutes of exercise and I find that by 8am I have almost everything done for the day! I too am very productive early in the day and love that time.

  7. Thank you, Marilyn! I hope you've had a great weekend!

  8. Cathy, it's been great! I hope you had a good weekend!

  9. Bri, I love that about him! He and my Jonah are both like that. Thank you for those sweet words!

  10. Joanne- that's neat! It was so good! Isn't that funny? I look forward to that time of day so much!


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...