Monday, November 15, 2021



Happy Monday, friends! How was your weekend? Mine was really good and involved a lot of things I love—a lot of which is good, quality time.

I kicked off the start of the weekend with Dad. He came over on Friday and it was chilly outside, so that gave me the perfect excuse to serve our favorite thing for—soup! We had taco soup\ and a fun, festive drink I found at Kroger. He loved it—ginger ale with cranberry juice. I loved it too and I know that Noah will as well. Jonah and Noah both love juices like that: cranberry, cranberry-apple, grape, all the more so when there is carbonation. 

I was preparing our lunch before his arrival, because as soon as he gets here, we're both hungry and ready to eat! Like father, like daughter. This leads me to something I did in the early morning hours of Saturday—see the curtains in this picture above? I love them! My mom made them for us years ago, but they're old, faded and a little "busy" for me these days, so I took them down. Here's what it looks like now.

I like it so much better now! I love our windows and I've gotten to where I don't like anything to block them. I have two pairs of curtains hanging downstairs now—one in the laundry room over the door and some sheer white curtains in the dining room. In the upstairs, three bedrooms also have curtains, but ours does not. 

Back to Friday—Dad and I left here at 3:30 and I asked him to ride with me to Costco to put gas in my car. It's not in the best area and sometimes I get a little creeped out when I go there, so I was glad to have him with me. I took him home after that and visited with him and Sandy for a little while, then I called my mom and asked if I could come hang out with them. It was fun! Trish had brought home some really good pizza that they'd already eaten, so I had a couple of slices of that when I got there. Mom was just pulling it out of the oven as soon as I got there. 

We played with their new tv, we talked and laughed, and I admired her beautiful Christmas decorations. Her house is always so pretty any time of year, but I love it when it's decked out for the holidays.

I came home and watched a little bit of a tv show, then went upstairs to shower and go to bed. I wake up every day at five o'clock on the dot, almost, so it had been a long day. I was asleep by ten, I'm pretty sure. On Saturday, I had made plans to join Mom and Trish for a day out. There's a place they wanted to go that we've never been to before, in Byhalia Mississippi, so we went there first. We met and I drove us this time. Magnolia Loft was beautiful, so of course I took some pictures to share here on my blog.

You know I love history and historical buildings/homes. This store hit all of those spots for me. Look at the floors in this picture above—aren't they beautiful? I love old, creaky floors. I also love exposed beams and rafters, or interesting texture on the walls. I bought a small keychain for when I carry my small purse, and Mom bought my birthday present—a soft, flowy sweater in my favorite shade of blue. She promised to give it to me early so I can wear it on my birthday, which is on December 14.

We had lunch after this, at a place called Thistledome. I'd been wanting to go to this place, but it wasn't quite what we expected. I'm glad we went so that we can say we did, and I enjoyed walking around afterward. It's in an historical home.

Mom and  Trish are always such good sports about me asking them to take pictures. What can I say? I like to document life and share it here on my blog. It's so much fun to look back on years later. Ask me how I know! I am always looking for something particular on my blog, and then I get sucked down an hour of reliving fun things the boys and I did together when they were young. That is why I started this blog to begin with—to "journal" about all the fun we had. 

When I dropped Mom and Trish back off at their car, I came home and the rest of my day was spent reading and watching football with my hubby. He was home all day and we enjoyed a nice, quiet evening. Would you believe that three of our sons went camping that night? The low was 34 degrees! Jonah came home at five a.m. Sunday morning and went to bed. Speaking of Sunday, I was dressed by six a.m. and we were at church by eight. We came home to eat lunch, I had choir practice and Todd and Graham worked that night. I watched a Hallmark movie and got caught up on laundry to start the week off right.

How was your weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. ❤


  1. All my friends know that if you're with me - I'm a blogger - pictures WILL be taken :) LOL
    I love my windows open too - ours have beautiful wood around them - but I struggle in winter when its dark early - I hate you can see in them... I'm trying to find something to cover them but not cover the wood. Its been a challenge - if you find something, let me know.

  2. Rebecca Jo- RIGHT? I live by that same philosophy. Life is short- take lots of pictures! It sounds like your windows are beautiful! I would love to see pictures someday. If I come across something, I will let you know. Have a great day, friend!

  3. I have been thinking about removing curtains in my kitchen. You have given me food (pardon the pun) for thought. That restaurant is gorgeous!!

  4. Maria- GO FOR IT! I am wondering why in the world I waited so long to do this. The difference it made is astounding! I love the unintentional (intentional?) pun! ;) I hope you're having a great day!

  5. Sounds like such a fun place in Byhalia! Good to know of fun local spots.

  6. It was, you should definitely check it out, Marilyn! I always love hearing about places like that. Have you heard of The Wooden Door? It's another place I heard about that's in Olive Branch. I hope you had a good day!

  7. Wow - what fun places to shop and visit! I definitely live in an area where history and anything remotely historical is not appreciated - and not long to be around. It really is a shame. And very few sweet shops. Just chain stores and more chain stores. It really is depressing...and makes for boring shopping. I need to take a shopping vacation:) Travel just to find the super cute shops and boutiques!!

  8. Jennifer- it was SO much fun! I hate that you don't have this kind of thing where you live. I would have thought you did, living so close to our nation's capitol. (Don't you live somewhere near there? It seems like I remember reading that on your blog.) I wonder if quaint shops/boutiques and places to eat is a southern thing. Maybe? I have two sisters who live near Denver that say the same thing as you- that they miss places like this. They love coming here to get that "fix".

    Please take a shopping vacation someday and come to me! We would have the best time together- how fun would that be?!

    Have a wonderful day, my friend!

  9. What a nice weekend. I love the windows and open feel with the curtains down. You can always put them back up later, right? Beautiful shop and restaurant!

  10. Bri- It was so much fun! I love days like that. The weather was perfect, the sun was shining and I got in some great quality time with my mom and sister. Thanks! I love it without the curtains and will probably never put them back! I hope you're having a good week so far, my friend!


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