Monday, November 22, 2021


 Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I did—it was fun, relaxing, quiet and busy. It hit all the good things that I love and I am always grateful for that. 

I thought I'd share something the Lord did for me on Friday morning. I was up early because my sinuses were bothering me, so I got up to shower and take medicine, then I came downstairs to drink coffee. I have this little five minute devotional that I keep downstairs and when I picked it up to read that day's reading, this was the verse I saw.

Here is what was cool about this. I saw this verse and read the entry from the devo, but I had just prayed this verse the day before! Isn't that so cool of the Lord? It's always those little details that He is in that just blows my mind. I'll recap what I shared on social media for those of you not on there. Just the other day I was praying and thanking the Lord for something and I thought of this passage. I actually prayed this passage! I didn't know the number of men involved in the healing or the address, but I said, "Lord, I always want to be like the one who went back to thank you, even if the other did not. Please help me to always be like the one."

The passage is Luke 17:11-18. There were ten men with leprosy who implored with Jesus to heal them. And Jesus healed them! But only one—a Samaritan—went back to thank Jesus for healing him. Jesus asked the one, "Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? Didn't any return to give glory to God except for this foreigner?" Then Jesus told the man to get up, that his faith had saved him. I want to be like the one who went back to thank Jesus! I never want to just enjoy the gift—I want to always consider the Giver of every good gift. James 1:17 tells us that He is the giver of every good and perfect gift, He is the Father of lights who never changes and He still heals, even today. 

I just thought that was really cool and wanted to share it with you. I always feel so encouraged when something like that happens and thought if I feel that way, someone reading this may need that reminder as well. I hope it encourages someone! 

Dad and I had a nice time together on Friday, as usual. I had soup ready for our lunch when he got here, which was so good because it felt cold. We left home a little early so that I could go pick up my new glasses. Did I mention I went to the eye doctor last week? I needed new glasses and I also have to see an ophthalmologist soon, because I have the beginning of glaucoma. I'm rolling my eyes, because I knew my eyes had gotten significantly worse and I've been putting off going for a while. I need glasses to read, but I also have to have them for driving now. The next time I go back I have to get bifocals. 

Dad and Sandy invited me to go to dinner with them that night, so I took them up on their offer and joined them at their favorite place in Memphis. It was so good! After that I came home and watched a movie and went to bed. 

I went out with Mom on Saturday for a bit and did a little Christmas shopping, then stayed home the rest of the day with my husband and read while he watched football. I didn't see my sons all that day, which is always weird, but that's usually the case every weekend.

 Isn't she pretty? I love her lipstick in this picture. Right after we took this, I introduced her to the peppermint milkshakes from Chick Fil A. 

I stayed home from church on Sunday because of my sinuses giving me fits. I can't breathe out of my nose and I sound like a 90 year old woman who's smoked all of her life. For that reason, I decided I didn't want to be around people. ;) Todd worked that night, I read in the afternoon and watched movies that night. How was your weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 


  1. Sounds like a good weekend minus the sinus issues. I hope you're feeling better today. Have a great Monday, friend!

  2. It was a great weekend, Maria! Yesterday was rough, but I already felt better when I woke up today. I'm so glad! I hope you have a great day too, my friend.

  3. God is so amazing, in all the details! I love this!! And what a good reminder to give Him thanks for the gifts He gives. I know I can do a better job with that.

  4. Love that practical lesson you shared!! Oh, I want to be "the one" as well. I'm sure the others were very grateful, thrilled and thankful to be healed...but God wants to hear our thank-yous!! And, what a sweet daughter you are - introducing Mom to Peppermint Milkshakes!!:) I know she is still thanking you! Oh, yum!!!

  5. Bri- Isn't He?! I never want to get over this about Him. Thank you for those encouraging words, sweet friend!

  6. Thank you, Jennifer! And aren't I such a sweet daughter?! Lol. ;) Have a wonderful day, my friend!

  7. Hope you're feeling better!!!!
    Your momma is beautiful!!!... did she like the Peppermint milk shake

  8. Thanks, Rebecca Jo! She loved the milkshake!


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