Monday, November 29, 2021

weekending, Thanksgiving edition


Happy Monday, friends! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving spent with the ones you love. I know we did, and I'm feeling extra grateful for time with family, friends and moments of the six of us being at home together for almost an entire day. More about that in just a minute.

I wrote an extra blog post over the weekend, the one in which I share four somethings from the month gone by. If you missed that, you can read it here

We spent Thanksgiving at Mom's this year. It was a huge improvement over last year, when we were all at home with covid. We were a small crowd, but some years are just like that. Even though we were small in size, the food was plentiful and the laughter and conversation flowed. I did take a few pictures.

This is my handsome nephew Tyler, who just so happens to share my birthday. I love that he so willingly poses for my pictures. His mom (my sister Lisa) lives in Denver, so I always take pictures of him for her. This was him with Mom and then with me. I love his shirt! It's the one time a year he wears it.

The food was incredible! I proceeded to eat leftovers all weekend and as I write this, it's all been finished. In our family here at home, we've been battling with our sinuses for about a month, at different times and this past week has been my turn. I started feeling really bad after lunch, because the rain brought in cooler temps and my head felt like it was going to explode. I felt better on Friday when I woke up and I feel like I'm almost over it now, on Sunday night. 

We stayed home on Friday and then my husband and oldest son went in to work a shift with the sheriff's department. The rest of us (minus Drew, who was working that night as well) and my sister Trish went to Dad's for pizza and a movie. We used to eat another big traditional meal on this night and then we would go to Zoo Lights, but now that everyone is grown, we've had to adapt and change it up, since everyone has a work schedule now. We loved admiring the lights at Dad's that Trish and I did a couple weeks ago. The pictures never do them justice, but I took some anyway.

Aren't they beautiful? Each year, we get better and better.

We all stayed home on Saturday as well. I did a couple of loads of laundry and cleaned out a couple more cabinets and drawers, then that afternoon I went to Mom's for dinner. I ran my car through a car wash before I made the trip out there. Todd and the other guys stayed home and watched the TERRIBLE Alabama/Auburn game and proceeded to almost have heart attacks during the three overtimes. (Alabama barely eeked out a win in the third overtime, by a mere two points. The majority of the game they had zero points until the last few minutes of the fourth quarter. Needless to say, at that point, I stayed in the back room at Mom's and watched the rest of the game with Bill.) 

Speaking of Bill, look at their beautiful lights!

I came back home and read a while before going to bed for the night.

Sunday morning was spent at church, which was so very good, then I was home for the rest of the day. I ended the day by having my quiet time that I missed out on that morning, and called it a night. 

(This picture above was me doing my study on Advent over the weekend. It's going to be so good!)

It was a really good weekend! How was yours? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Keep checking back this week to find out about the books I read in November! I'll see you back here tomorrow. Love to all! ❤


  1. Every University of Cincinnati and Ohio State fan (plus I am sure many others!) wanted Auburn to win very badly!! We were eating at a sport bar type restaurant when Auburn almost won in regular before overtime. Everyone was watching the game and cheering when we thought Auburn had won. I am glad that you had a good Thanksgiving weekend- good food and time spent with family is the best! Have a great Monday :).

  2. Maria- I get that! Every team that plays against Auburn, every Alabama fan wants their opposing team to win. Good ole rivalry weekend football! I had no idea it was called that, by the way, my hubby told me that Saturday- that this particular weekend is when all the rivals play against each other. Also, try saying "rivalry weekend" three times in a row. It's impossible. Lol

    I hope your weekend was good as well! You are right- those are two of my favorite things. Quality time and good food. Have a good day, my friend!

  3. Hubby and I are doing an Advent Study again this year. We're doing the She Reads Truth/He Reads Truth Advent. The reading parts and scripture are pretty much the same, but the extra stuff is geared more towards male and female. We did one last year by them and really loved it. Yesterday's was good and hoping the rest will be good too. Plus it's fun doing it together.

  4. Cathy- what a great idea! I love that y'all are doing that together. I will have to look into that for next year. I love the one I started over the weekend and look forward to the weeks ahead. I hope you had a great weekend and Thanksgiving!

  5. Hi friend. I've missed reading your posts. I have several to catch up on...but started here and glad that you are feeling better and that you were able to enjoy an "in-person" Thanksgiving! You guys really did do a great job with the lights. Wish you could do mine! (wish anyone would come do my favorite!!) Here's to a good week ahead! Off to read some past blog posts!

  6. Jennifer- I've missed you too! I'm so glad you're back around. ;) Thank you- how was your Thanksgiving? They're not my favorite either, but I'm always glad to have done that for Dad after the fact. It just takes me several hours to recover. Ha! I hope you had a good day!


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