Tuesday, November 30, 2021

the books I read in November


I love to read all year, but I really love to read during the holiday season! I started early this year and began reading all the Christmas books in November. That's probably partly to blame for why I wanted our home decorated early. Oh well, I'm here for it, like everything else Christmas. Here are the books I read in November. 

This first book was NOT Christmas-y, but it was so good! The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave might just be on my favorite book list for this year.

(Just click on the picture and you'll be directed to Amazon.) This book started with a bang—Hannah receives a note with a cryptic message from her husband Owen that says just two words—protect her. Somehow she knows that the "her" in Owen's note is referring to his sixteen year old daughter Bailey. Owen never comes home from work on that day that Hannah received his note and she doesn't see him again. That's the opening few pages of the book and the rest of it takes you on a wild goose chase as they begin the search for him and they begin to wonder who they can actually trust. I cannot recommend this book enough!

The second book I read was Mistletoe in Montana, by Pamela Kelley. This was the second book in a series and it was so good! 

Dan is stuck in Montana with a badly broken leg and he's dying to get back home to Chicago—back to his life, his work, his friends. To say he's bored in Montana is an understatement, until he meets Traci. Traci has just ended a serious relationship and isn't ready to date anyone, but she's willing to be a friend to Dan and to help him get his newly renovated home ready for Christmas.

I really enjoyed this book, as I do all of Pamela Kelley's books. 

My third book this month was the third book in the same series, Mischief in Montana.

Travis has had a crush on Isabella his whole life, but as good friends, she has never known that until now. She has had one serious relationship and though that didn't work, she is ready to settle down and find someone. Someone new moves into town and as they begin to date, she is forced to examine her heart and the intentions she has with the people in her life. Has she been missing out on hints from Travis all these years?

The fourth book I read was Match-Making in Montana, the fourth in this series.

Anna has had a hard few years trying to get on with her life after discovering that her husband of over ten years was cheating on her. She hasn't been ready to date during that time, but her friend places an ad on an online dating website and all of a sudden, Anna finds herself going on casual dinner and coffee dates with the men who seem to have a lot in common with her. Then she meets her new next door neighbor, Zach, who looks a lot like someone she dated in her high school years. But he doesn't seem to remember her, so surely that's not him?

I took a break from this sweet series and read Christmas at the Restaurant by Pamela Kelley, which is a sequel to The Restaurant.

The Christmas Stroll on Nantucket is coming up and Mandy, Jill and Emma want to do something special at The Restaurant that they own together. Because this is a continuation of The Restaurant, I won't say too much, but Pamela expands on each sister and relationship she is currently in and new characters are introduced. I enjoyed reading about Christmas Stroll, which is a real event that happens on Nantucket each year, the first weekend in December.

Lastly, the fifth book I read was Christmas at Cozy Holly Inn by Meredith Summers.

Julie's grandmother is sick and this might be her last Christmas. She asks one thing of Julie—to arrange one last Christmas party at the old family inn that she used to run, The Cozy Holly Inn. Julie can't deny her dying grandmother, so she makes the trip back home and decides to stay in the inn, because it's can't be too bad, right? Except that she runs into several unexpected problems, the least of which involves a stray cat that has made herself right at home in the basement of the inn.

All the books I read this month were so good! I'm continuing on in reading books that occur during this season in the month of December and I've got some really great ones lined up. Thanks for reading my blog and happy reading! 

Love to all. ❤


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