Thursday, November 4, 2021

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I'm joining in once again with Rebecca Jo and Leslie for this weekly linkup. 

I am always thankful for time alone. Anyone else? I'm a die hard introvert and that's how I recharge my batteries, particularly after a Sunday at church. I love going to church, don't get me wrong—it's just exhausting trying to be more extroverted on that day. I would never want to come off the wrong way to someone, so I speak to everyone I pass or see as I walk by. Have you ever visited a church where the people weren't friendly? I have and I vowed to always be friendly to everyone, especially those that I don't recognize. Our church is very large and a lot of the people I see aren't ones I always come across, so I try to always make sure to say hello to folks, even if only in passing.

About the time alone that I'm thankful for—I'm alone a lot of the time every week, so that's not different, but what was nice this week is that I didn't have a puppy to worry about for two full days! I love her, don't get me wrong, but the time away was nice. Graham was house sitting for a couple of nights and he took her with him. I did miss her, and was glad to see her back home last night.

I think Crash enjoyed the time away too, and took full advantage of having this bed to himself.

I am thankful that fall has arrived! The weather finally got the memo this week and it's been chilly every day. I know I am in the minority, but I love the colder weather, and I don't even mind it when the time changes. (Did you know the time changes this weekend? This is the one I really don't's the spring one that I dislike.)

I am thankful for time with friends. I spent time with my best friend Tuesday night and it was so good to catch up. We never see each other anymore! I miss the days that had us together more, but this is just the way life is right now, so it's important for us to make time for each other. Even when her favorite baseball team was playing in the world series...she insisted that she was fine with missing the game, especially since they won. 

We got to do a fun thing, though and we saw a preview showing of a movie opening on Christmas day. It was the movie American Underdog by the Erwin brothers, and it's the story of former NFL star, Kurt Warner. It was really good and we even got bags with goodies to take home. I've been to these before and I love it when Todd is able to go with me, but he couldn't go this time, so I took Missy. I'm always allowed a plus one.

You should make plans to see the movie, it was really good! Here's the official trailer.

I am thankful for the power of prayer. I've been praying for a few of my friends who are walking through hard things right now, and it's a privilege to be able to lift them up to Jesus. I'm also thankful for His word that brings comfort and for songs that encourage me to worship. 

This is one of my favorite songs right now. We sang it in church Sunday and I couldn't even sing it, for all my tears. It's I Speak Jesus, by Charity Gayle.

I'm thankful for easy weeks, good headache medicine, quiet times within a normal day,  Bible study, friends, family and so much more. This is all that has stood out to me this week, though. 

Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. 

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  1. After working in an office, some days, I'm all about some time alone - I get it. Recharge!
    Headache medicine - amen!

  2. That movie looks so good. Thank you for posting about it (I don't watch any network TV so I have NO idea about what movies are coming out, lol). How fun that you got to see it early.

  3. Yes, I'm an introvert too, and I need that time alone, but I also really like your commitment to be friendly to everyone at church and make them feel welcome. This is something I need to work on. Thank you and have a great weekend!

  4. Crash is such a great dog name! So cute!

  5. Rebecca Jo, I know you get the need to be alone!

  6. Maria, I love seeing movies like's important to see them in the theater to help support them so they can make more!

  7. Thanks, Michele! It definitely fits him.


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