Monday, October 25, 2021



Happy Monday, friends! How was yours? Mine was super easy going and otherwise boring. It was AMAZING, in other words! I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned this before, but I am an introvert through and through. What that means is that I need time to recharge after a busy (people-y) week. Most of you know that in a week's time, I really love to have one full day at home with nothing to do and nowhere to go. I do actually "get dressed" for the day, but I'm in comfy clothes all day and makeup is either non-existent or very minimal. Last week I did not have a day like that. Because of that, it was so nice to have a weekend like this one.

My husband and I had leftovers for dinner Friday night and he started a new show that sucked me in- Body Cam is a show similar to COPS or the old Live PD that we used to love, but way better. I alternated between watching with him and finishing a book. I did finish a book and started another one, then I went to bed pretty early. 

I love Saturday mornings! It's the one day a week that I don't have anything to do other than feed the dogs, so I love to kick off the weekend by watching a movie while I drink my coffee. Most of you know I am a Hallmark Christmas movie-loving girl, so needless to say, that is what I watched. I also love their Fall Harvest movies, but I was so disappointed with those this year. I'm ready to move on to Christmas movies! Have you seen this?

I watched You, Me and The Christmas Trees Saturday morning—so good! I got up early Sunday and watched an older one, Christmas Everlasting. Again, it was so good! I finished it Sunday night. 

I had church on Sunday and I think I was there all day. It was a really good day. Todd worked Saturday night and Sunday night, so after Sunday night church, I went and grabbed some food and came home to eat it. I finished my second book for the weekend and made a yummy risotto dish for my dinner Saturday night. 

This was amazing. I sautéed half an onion and a small container of mushroom in a little butter, olive oil and Worcestershire sauce, then added in some bacon crumbles and a whole bag of spinach. I cooked the risotto and mixed it all together with a little parmesan cheese to finish it off. 

What'd you do this weekend? I am so irritated with our dumb weather. It was 72 degrees at nine o'clock last night. I'm rolling my eyes. Fall weather desperately needs to come back! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Come back tomorrow to hear about the books I read this month! Love to all. 


  1. Your recipe sounds good and I was also glad to see the Hallmark Christmas movies come. I enjoyed the 2 I watched! Glad you got some down time and have a good Monday!

  2. Thanks, Marilyn! I watched a couple more, but they're older and I forgot their names. Have a great day!

  3. The risotto sounds and looks really good. We watched the new movies this weekend. I think we still have one more to watch. Glad you had some time to read...that is always a really good thing. Hope you have a great day!

  4. Hooray for low-key weekends - especially when they restore your soul (said one introvert to the other!!) Um, 72 degrees sounds like Heaven weather!!:)

  5. That risotto looks delish! We are having crazy warm weather right now too...high of 93 today. ugh! Have a good week.

  6. Your weekend sounds nice. My youngest daughter and I enjoy watching Hallmark movies but I will try to hold out a little longer before watching the holiday ones. That rice dish looks so good. Have a great week!

  7. Thanks, Cathy! That sounds fun that y'all did that together. I hope you had a good day today!

  8. Jennifer- YES! It is a nice temperature, that 72 degrees, but I like it cooler in the fall and winter! Also, it was a super heavy and humid 72...we had some rain moving in and my hair was big to prove it! ;)

  9. Thanks, Tanya! I am sorry to complain, I have no right because you're in the 90's! Yikes. I know you're ready for fall temps...or as much as Houston allows. ;)

  10. Thanks, Maria! How fun to watch those with your daughter. My son Jonah used to watch the mystery movies with me when he was younger. He won't admit to that now, but I promise, he did! ;) I hope you had a great day!

  11. I wish I got all the Hallmark movies. 😔 I miss them. There a few like those on Netflix but not many that I haven’t seen now. Glad you had a relaxing weekend!

  12. Bri, that makes me so sad for you! There are some really good ones on Netflix, though. Do y'all stream all your tv channels? If so, have you considered Frndly TV or Fubo? I had Frndly TV, but we switched over to Fubo. I hope you had a good weekend too, sweet friend!


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