Thursday, October 14, 2021

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I'm joining up again with Rebecca Jo and Leslie for our weekly linkup. 

I am thankful for all the time together I've had with my husband lately. We are far from perfect and our marriage is full of ups and downs, like everyone else's, but I love our time together at night—even if he's watching Cops while I read a book. We finished our show Manifest last weekend and I'm so bummed! We rarely watch a show together and now I want to find another one for us. We've watched The Good Wife together and seasons one and two of Cobra Kai. Suggestions? Preferably something on Netflix.

I am thankful that we all had dinner together as a family of six on Tuesday night. I didn't make anything fancy—just spaghetti and garlic bread, but we're usually not alone, just the six of us. 

I am thankful for podcasts to listen to. I know that sounds strange, but there are a few I love and some of them make me laugh out loud. I also listen to deeper, more meaningful podcasts sometimes, but on this particular day, I needed to laugh.

I am thankful for really good days, when I get a lot of out of my quiet time and when I'm able to spend a good amount of time pouring my heart out to Jesus. I always feel so much better after having done that.

I am thankful for a week off from Bible study! I know that makes me sound terrible, but I've enjoyed a chill week of not having to be anywhere or get dressed up for anything. 

I am thankful for a productive trip to my library this week! I got some books for my friend who is sick and I got some for me.

(I already started and quit one in this stack.)

I am thankful for some happies that I now have on my front porch! I bought these crotons last week at Lowe's and the pumpkin is one I picked up while I was grocery shopping. Then, my mom-in-love sent a mum home with my husband on Tuesday.

I love a front porch, small though it may be.

Once again, I am thankful for things that bring me joy—that could be a sweet video on TikTok (did you see my Instagram story yesterday?), a nice text or word from someone, an unexpected kindness shown to me, a kiss from the puppy in my house, a good cup of coffee, a hug from one of my sons, or getting my nails done. 

For me, it's really about all the small things in life. How has your week been? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. ❤

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  1. Those flowers are pretty! My husband and I have begun watching British crime drama series on Netflix- Broadchurch, Hinterland, Paranoid, to name a few. There is occasionally some gore (which I try to avoid seeing) but mostly just good old fashion whodunit along with those great British accents :).

  2. Thanks for those recommendations! We will have to try those out. I think Broadchurch is on my queue of shows or movies to watch. Have a great day, Maria!

  3. I love Fall front porches - they make me so happy.
    Manifest - I gotta get back into that!!!! I started watching a few episodes.
    You'll have ot share some of your favorite podcasts. I listen to some all day long & am always looking for some good ones!

  4. Rebecca Jo, you know I feel the same! And I would agree, you have GOT to finish Manifest. We both loved it, we just hated how it ended, but another season is coming. Woohoo!

    As far as podcasts, my favorites ones (serious) are by Revive Our Hearts Ministries. I have the actual app and listen through them, but I'm sure it's available on all the platforms. Lately, my go to's have been more fluffy- The Big Boo Cast and The Besties Breakdown. Both of those are two women who just talk back and forth about life and funny/relevant things. I always walk away from both with a list of things I want to try.

    Have a great day!

  5. Fall us my favorite front porch season!
    Also a podcast junkie!

  6. I enjoyed your post. As we've said before, those evenings at home with our husbands are the best. Currently, hubby and I are watching the old shows JAG, Bones, and Castle. We are enjoying all 3. JAG we are watching on DVD and the other two are on Hulu. We are also watching a space documentary on Disney+. Sorry I have nothing to suggest on NetFlix at the moment.

    How awesome to have everyone home for dinner. I would love to have both of our girls and their guys and our grandson home for dinner. One of these days it'll happen, I hope.

    Love your front porch. It's so pretty. My sister picked up a pumpkin for me the other day when she was working at church selling pumpkins for the youth group. I'll need to post a picture soon.

    Thanks for hosting Thankful Thursday. Have a great day!

  7. Sounds like a great week! Life is made up of all the simple joys for me so I love the beauty in day to day life.

  8. Michele- mine too! I enjoy fall decorations almost as much as I do the Christmas ones!

  9. Thanks, Cathy and thank you for those recs for shows! I will check those out and we will have to try one of them. We do have Hulu, it's just with commercial breaks, which is why I love Netflix.

    That was sweet of your sister to get you a pumpkin! It sounds like something one of my sisters would do. I'll look forward to seeing your pictures!


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