Thursday, October 7, 2021

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I'm joining in once again with Rebecca Jo and Leslie for this weekly linkup. 

I have come to look forward to listing things out each week on this blog post. There is something so special about looking for all the things we have to be thankful for that puts us back into that right mindset. I'm not saying I never have a bad attitude, but when I look for all the good that God is and has done, my focus is back on Him, where it should always be. It's so easy to get stuck in ruts and to complain...and though that is normal, it's not healthy to stay there for too long.

I'm so grateful when He shows me this. He did one such thing for me (and the world, apparently) on Monday, when Facebook and Instagram shut down. I mean how sad that we're all talking about it? And when I say "we", I literally mean me too. I find myself reaching for my phone to scroll all too often...and I could be doing anything else in that time and it would be better for me. I could be reading, or writing (which I really need to be doing), praying, studying...and yet I miss it when I can't scroll. 

One thing I appreciated about this "outage" was that it prompted me to write on this blog for the week. It also prompted me to pray and to reach out to my friend Donna, whom I haven't seen in forever, it seems. I may not have done any of that, had it been up and running.

Donna and I texted back and forth for the next hour and exchanged pictures. I am also very thankful for godly friendship.

I am thankful for the fact that my husband and I celebrated 25 years of being married. It is only by the grace of God. We went out for a fancy dinner that night.

These jumbo crab cakes were every bit as delicious as they look. I squeezed lemon over mine. I am such a foodie...I love good food so much! Where we went is expensive, but the food never disappoints and the service is always stellar. 

I have been thankful for the things I've had going on this week, but also thankful for the times in between of being at home. My week started out with a meeting at nine on Monday morning and though I'm not used to getting up and getting dressed then and ready to be out the door, it was nice to have my errands for the day finished by noon. Monday is always the day I spent putting the house back in order after a weekend of everyone being in and out. When I took this picture late that afternoon, I was thankful for a good cup of coffee. Isn't my mug cute? 

I'm always thankful for the times when our writing team at church meets. We all get along really well and every time we are together, we always have so much fun. It's always good to catch up with them and I love having intentional scheduled time together. 

I'm so thankful for my church family...I saw this yesterday as I was driving past and took this picture. 

I say this every week, but I'm so thankful for this little blogging community and all the bloggers who I feel like are my real life friends. A friend posted about this channel on YouTube this week and I promptly went and subscribed to it so I could have this beautiful image as art on my tv. What you do is when you go to YouTube on your smart tv, you search for "calmed by nature" and you'll find videos pictured like this one above. It stays on this image and it plays soft, quiet jazz music in the background. This one is called "fall coffee shop bookstore ambience" and it's my newest favorite thing.

I'm thankful for good days at Bible study, time with friends and family, good books to read, and times of laughter. I know there is so much more, but that's what stood out to me this past week. 

Thanks for reading my blog, friends! If you'd like to join up with us this week, click that blue button below. Love to all! ❤


  1. Happy Anniversary!!!! 25 years is such an accomplishment. We're celebrating our 26th at the END of October - so YEAH for us October brides!
    I find the fireplace screens on YouTube that play Christmas music/instrumental all season long. Its so soothing. & the glow of the fireplace makes my living room look so homey.
    I do love your owl mug. I'm such a sucker for cute mugs

  2. Happy 25th!
    I really admire your neatly written October checklist!

  3. Happy Anniversary!

    I love that last picture. I'll have to see if hubby can help me find that channel for when I retire and will be home during the day. We don't have a smart TV yet, but I wonder if we can do that through Roku. We'll see.

    While I love that on the TV your fireplace and mantel are beautiful I love the lights. It just looks so warm and cozy and it just makes me want to get something warm to drink and a good book just relax there.

    Love that coffee mug cute.

    Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a wonderful day!

  4. Love these thankful posts! And oh my goodness, those crab cakes look so good! Glad y'all had a night out to celebrate.

  5. I enjoy reading your Thursday posts so much. And though I don't link up with a blog post, I think in my head of all the things that I am thankful for. I love the picture of your fireplace and TV.

  6. Thank you, Rebecca Jo! Happy almost 26th anniversary to you and your man too! I had no idea that such a thing even existed, so it's right up my alley too, the YouTube channel with this. I have it on as I write this. I love a cute mug! I can't seem to pass one up when I see them in Home Goods.

  7. Thank you, Michele! I love the art of handwriting...I have since I was very young.

  8. Thank you, Cathy! That is the best compliment someone could ever give me, since it's what I aim for in our home. I love the mantel lights and started using them a few years ago...believe it or not, you can get some really cute ones from Lowe's! I love using them all year long, but they're my favorite in the cooler months.

  9. Thank you, Marilyn! Y'all need to give it a try on your next special occasion, if you've never been there. As good as those crab cakes were, you should have seen our skillet cookie dessert. My mouth watered just thinking about it, it was DELICIOUS. Oh my word. I'm making myself hungry!

  10. Thank you so much, Maria! I'm glad it makes you think about your own list...I would say each and every one of us have so much to be thankful for!

  11. I am thankful for blogging buddies as well. And I am thankful for the sweet group of ladies that meet every Wednesday morning for Bible study - and include me! Wednesday mornings have been extra special this past weeks:) And an expensive restaurant, every once in a while, is such a nice treat! "Average" restaurants so often seem like such a waste of money...but if I can a delicious meal (and good service), I'm all about a good restaurant! And, yes, your mug is super cute:)

  12. I am so glad you've enjoyed the Bible study, Jennifer! That makes my heart very happy. I agree wholeheartedly about special treats and going out to nice places from time to time. We always seem to do this on my birthday and our anniversary. For his birthday, we usually have a big family dinner with his parents, which is always fun as well.


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