Friday, October 29, 2021

Friday Favorites, 10.29.21


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for this weekly blog post, my favorite one each week. How has your week been? Mine has been really good...and I am so glad today is Friday. My favorite way to get the weekend started is by spending this day with my dad every week. One thing I've learned well in life is that time is a gift and at his young age of ninety, I take advantage of all our moments.

I bought these cookies at the grocery store this week and they've become my new favorite. I always want a little something sweet after a meal and one of these does the trick. Side note—I remember my mom loving Pepperidge Farm cookies when I was young and I'd find them hidden. I find myself doing the same thing! I may not actually hide them, but I put them up high where people are less likely to look. The packaging has shrunk over the years, as has the quantity of cookies inside the bag...but as you can imagine, the price has gone up. Funny how that happens.

This night was a favorite! Favorite food, favorite hit all my buttons. We love going to Texas de Brazil and we had some VIP cards that were about to expire, so this was an unexpected night out. My husband was also there, as were my in-love's, because we usually consider this a "company Christmas party". 

The color of fall is my favorite! This is the street before our street, but this tree is gorgeous! I love that the leaves are FINALLY starting to fall off the trees and change colors.

We don't have trees in this part of our backyard, but a few leaves do make their way over to this area eventually. 

I was given the sweetest, most thoughtful gift this week! A sweet friend from Bible study gave me this print at church when I saw her at Bible study on Wednesday. It's called "God's Fingerprint" and is a piece that a man created after he became a Christian. He discovered that a fingerprint has 66 lines in it, the same number of books the Bible contains. He read through the Bible and chose one verse from each book, then assigned each verse a line, so when you look closely, you see the lines in the fingerprint are Bible verses! I love it so much and I immediately found a prominent place in our home to hang it, a place everyone will see it and pass by often. Thoughtfulness is my favorite!

Yesterday was my favorite day of the week—most of you know how much I love a day at home with nothing to do and nowhere to go. I got dressed for the  day into these clean and cozy pajamas and proceeded to do what my sweatshirt says: I watched Hallmark Christmas movies. 

I also finished a book. Reading is my favorite! (I'd originally said I was going to share the books I read this month in this blog post today, but I'm going to make it a bonus weekend post instead. I like to use all the days in the month to read to make my number higher!) 

Oakley's favorite person is her daddy. This was her hanging out beside him when he got home from work yesterday. The faithfulness and loyalty of a dog is astounding to me and I love the love they have for their humans. Their love is unconditional. 

It doesn't take much to make me happy...and I love these small, quiet moments that I always seem to find each week. I had grand plans for how I'd spend by day yesterday, but none of that happened. I'm okay with this! Sometimes you have to just let go of your expectations and embrace a little spontaneity, right? How was your week? I'd love to hear from you! Thank you for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. ❤


  1. That print is so neat! And I can see how the thoughtfulness of your friend to gift you the print is a favorite as well!! I hope you have a great day today with your dad and a great weekend.

  2. Thank you, Maria! It will go down as one of my favorite and most special gifts I've ever received. I hope you have a great weekend, too!

  3. I love the uniqueness of that print! Have a great weekend!

  4. That print is so the story behind it!

  5. Thanks, Marilyn...that was my same thought. I hope you had a great weekend!

  6. Thanks, Tanya, me too! I hope you had a great weekend!


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  Happy Saturday, friends! I'm so glad you're here to join in with us for this month's Share 4 Somethings, where we'll talk ...