Wednesday, October 6, 2021



Happy  Wednesday, friends! It doesn't seem like it should be October already. I feel like I just wrote this post last week for the month of September. It's crazy how much time flies by.

I'm linking up with Anne over at her lovely blog, 💓 anne in residence. This month we're talking about what we're borrowing, buying, planning, prepping and reading.


The only thing I can think of here is that I'm borrowing all the books from my library. Well, not the actual physical library, but I use the app Libby and am able to borrow books through my library card. Although, this has gotten me thinking that I need to consider paying a visit there soon. I may do that this week. I am wanting to read a couple of decorating books right now and it would be nice to browse through their nonfiction books to see what I can find. 

I wrote a post about my local library last week, in an installment of a series I do here called Tuesday Around Town. If you'd like to read it, you can click here


The usual...groceries, stuff like that. I really want a pumpkin and a mum for our front porch and didn't find one on Monday, so that's on the agenda to buy this week. I'd also love to hit up my favorite boutique and buy a new top or two. One like this style—


All the things in this cute new planner I picked up this week. I am more about the Google calendar these days, just because I always have it with me, but every once in a while, I really miss a paper planner. This one was very inexpensive from Target that I picked up while I was getting some groceries. I love writing things down so that I can later forget. 🤣


...after blogging for how many years? I have finally become more predictable in this space and at the suggestion of another blogger, started planning posts each month. Would you believe I already have the posts planned out for the rest of this year? Now that I do this, it flows a little easier and I work on the posts as I go about life. For instance, as I read books, I work on that draft as I finish each book. I started to say I don't know why I didn't do this before, but I do know the reason: I was busy! My twins were still being homeschooled and I made myself available for them all the time. Now that they've graduated and are working full time jobs, I have free time. (I finished all of these posts ahead of time and scheduled them on the day I wanted them to publish. It's Monday afternoon as I write this at my kitchen table, with some lovely Steve Tyrell music playing in the background.)


At the moment I'm prepping for this week. I like to do this type of thing on Monday...I sit down and write out the things I have going on that week, then I like to think about dinner and what the plan is for that each night. Sometimes I don't do this and am more fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants, but it's better for me when I do it this way. I also love to do this at the beginning of each month and at the new year. 


In my quiet time each day, I'm in the book of Isaiah, Psalm, Proverbs and Ephesians. I am still reading along in my Everyday with Jesus Bible that I've been reading all year. Ephesians is one of my favorite books in the Bible, especially the sixth chapter. 

As part of my quiet time, I'm also reading a book called SING! by Keith and Kristyn Getty. Side note: they will be at my church in December and I get to be a part of the choir that gets to sing with them! I'm excited about that. As for the book, it's really good and is one my worship pastor recommended. It's all about the importance of singing praises to God. 

Personally and for fun, I'm reading yet another book by Pamela Kelley. If you haven't read her books, have I convinced you yet? She is such a great author! 

Thanks for reading my blog, friends! I hope your week is going really good so far. Love to all! ❤

P.s. I added a bonus blog post last night, so if you missed that, you can click here to go read was a fun one!


  1. I am hoping next weekend to go find pumpkins and mums too. So impressed with your planning of blog posts! That's great. We saw the Gettys sang at my in-laws church a few years ago. That will be a good performance especially at Christmas time. Enjoy your day!

  2. That sounds fun, Marilyn! I usually just pick all of this up at my neighborhood Kroger, but it's still closed! We have another one down the road a little, but everyone else is going to that one AND it's a smaller store, so I've been staying away. I may go to Lowe's today and see what I can find. I know they have mums at least! Girl, blog planning has been revolutionary! Of course, I have time on my hands, so that does help. I'm excited about the Gettys coming to our church for the holidays! I know it'll be good. Thanks, I hope you have a great day!

  3. Planning...I like to do that with dinner during the week. However, so often I don't or plans get changed. But the past 2 weeks we have done really well. We've planned it and actually followed through. This week, not quite so much yet. Oh well...nobody is perfect. lol

    Totally enjoyed your currently post. I also love that top. I know I told you that before, but it bears repeating. Very pretty and comfy looking.

    Hope you have a great day!

  4. I am using a planner now mainly for to do lists, since I am definitely a google calendar gal!

  5. I really need to start writing things down in my planner so they're not all just floating around in my head. Ugh.

  6. I need to be more proactive at planning my blog posts.
    Love that new top of yours!!!

  7. Thanks for recommending, 'Sing!' by Keith and Kristyn Getty. I recently read, 'The Reset: Returning to the Heart of Worship and a Life of Undivided Devotion' by Jeremy Riddle. It is so encouraging!

    I hope you find the mum your looking for this week. Happy shopping!

  8. I would have never guessed you didn't prefer a paper planner over Google! I do use my Google (some) but am still very much paper planner for all things. Last year, when I was blogging regularly, I did the list of blog post ideas and it did help so much. This year I have had to put blogging to the side (sadly) because homeschooling/corrections/running the kids has taken priority and I can't seem to fit it in no matter how much I wish I could. :(

  9. Cathy, I totally feel your pain on those weeks of sticking with the plan and the weeks of not doing that. It happens to me too! Thanks for the compliment on the poncho! I love this and these are my favorite thing to wear, because they're easy and breezy. I hope you had a good day!

  10. Tanya, I'm becoming more and more a Google calendar girl...but I still love the paper. Hey...thanks for recommending that calmed by nature channel on your blog the other day! It's my new favorite thing.

  11. Natasha, I totally feel your pain! Ha! Thanks for stopping by and the comment love. Have a great rest of your week!

  12. Lisa- I hope you like it! The book you just read sounds good too! I hope you have a great rest of your week!

  13. Bri- I totally understand that and have had to do the same. Hopefully someday you'll be able to get back to blogging and maybe a teeny tiny bit of social media...I will look forward to that day! You're focusing on what is most important right now, so you'll never regret that intentional time with them doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing. You know I am always around if you ever want to chat! Text or call anytime, my friend.

    1. Thank you! This is so sweet to hear! And I’m thankful for you and that I can reach out. 💕

  14. I was pleasantly surprised to find some nice Mums at Lowe's the other day when we were there picking up stuff for our mini bathroom remodel. I have a few large fake pumpkins I use outside that I keep reusing from year to year because I found that real pumpkins rot much too fast in our cold climate. I've been buying a few fun fall tops as well and have to keep reminding myself that I don't need any of them!

  15. Very cute planner! I do love physical planners. That's great you have the year planned out for blog posts. I need to do better with that, and it would be super helpful if I actually scheduled things ahead of time too. LOL


  16. I need to just go to Lowe's and grab one! It's on my plan before the end of the week. I may see if Dad wants to make a trip there with me tomorrow. I hope you've had a good week, Joanne!

  17. Thanks, Lauren! You should give it a try, it makes a WORLD of difference! I feel so organized...even if I'm really not. Ha!

  18. Wait? I almost didn't finish reading...I was completely stopped at "I have posts planned for the rest of the year!" That is amazing. I have no idea what I am posting next week. And I totally feel as if I just wing it (and I am not that way in other areas) and I'm sure it shows in my writing. But how in the world does one plan posts for months to come?? I really need the tutorial on this one! I think it would help so many ways!! You go girl!


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