Thursday, September 16, 2021

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! I am joining in with Rebecca Jo and Leslie for this weekly blog post once again. I hope you'll join us! 

One thing that has stood out to me this week is how different my days are now. I know it sounds strange to list this first, but here's why I am thankful for this new season in life—I don't have anyone in the house with me, so it frees me up to pray more. I have time and the empty house to do this on and off throughout the day and out loud. I kind of love this! I am also still adjusting to the newness of it all, because my morning starts early as I get everyone out the door and make them lunches, but I'm figuring it all out. Add to this a puppy in the house and it's slightly chaotic and an adjustment to figuring it out, but I am managing just fine. 

I am so thankful for the gift of prayer uttered on behalf of those I know who are sick right now. Many of you are following along with my pastor's wife with her being in the hospital and last night he updated us on how she was doing. She had another good day yesterday, one in which her numbers were better. Even if these are baby steps, I'm so glad they're baby steps heading in the right direction! 

I'm thankful my friend's husband went home from the hospital too. I know she is beyond relieved.

I'm thankful for the conversation I had with my sisters yesterday as they drove home from an overnight trip.

I'm thankful that I got to see my friends last night after church ended! We met up for about an hour after that and it was so good to sit and catch up. 

I'm thankful that last night I had a really good night of sleep and that I woke up feeling better today. I went to bed not feeling good last night. It's just sinuses again, because we keep having dips in the temperature. It got really cool here at one point yesterday in the afternoon and my ears started bothering me and my throat was scratchy. That's all gone today, though, thankfully. 

I'm thankful for reminders like this.

And I'm thankful for a great day of Bible study homework yesterday. My friend mentioned this verse when she taught and I needed to hear the words.

Thanks for reading along! Love to all.

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  1. That empty house freedom is really a gift. So glad you are leaning into the goodness of it.

  2. It would be a huge adjustment to having kids in your home whom you homeschooled for years to not having anyone at home with you during the day. On days I don't sub it is like that for me too (though I have never homeschooled so it is only in the summer that my kids are at home). Thankful for your encouraging words- as I opened my Chromebook this morning I thought, "Oh good, it's a Thursday- Jennifer will have a post about thankfulness on her blog!"

  3. So happy you are enjoying your quiet house. I should get to start doing that in January. Hope you have a great day.

  4. Falls makes my sinuses worse than any Spring would so I feel your pain on that.
    Joshua 1:9 is one of my favorites I repeat all the time

  5. So thankful to hear your friend is improving in the hospital.

  6. Thank you, Michele- I am definitely getting along just fine. So much so that when they came home the other night arguing and just being loud, it just about put me in a bad mood! Ha. It wasn't that bad, but I had to readjust my attitude for sure. ;)

  7. Maria- so you do get a taste of what it's like! I do have dogs to keep me busy, so that is good. I'm glad they're here or I'd be really lonely! ;) Thank you for that encouragement! I hope your week has been good.

  8. Thanks, Cathy! And yay for you! I hope you enjoy every second of it, once you're adjusted to the newness of it all. I hope you've had a great week so far!

  9. Rebecca Jo- it's the same for most of us here, with the exception of my oldest son. He suffers worst in the spring. Strangely enough, cutting the grass helps clear his head out. Ha! Yes! I love that verse. I seriously needed to hear the reminder yesterday, because I keep finding myself feeling anxious.

  10. Thanks, Marilyn! Me too. I hope you're having a good week!

  11. I am really beginning to embrace and enjoy this season of life...I just need to give thanks for it (specifically) more as well. Great reminder. So glad your pastor's wife is showing improvement. Definitely something to thank Him for. I have a girlfriend that was admitted last night...hoping to see some improvement for her soon as well. Quick question: I was wondering if you received my emails?? When I get an email notification of your comments, I respond to those - but not sure if they go back to you or to some great "comment inbox" in the land of internet? If so, no worries. I just wanted to check. I'm not super savvy on how all this works!! Hope your sinuses quit bothering you soon...and here's to another good night's sleep!! Hooray

  12. Thanks, Jennifer! I was so glad for that as well. I will pray for your friend! I did get your emails, but you know what? Well, not only did I get sidetracked and forgot to respond, I think I thought they were a notification from the comment section on your blog. I must have moved them into another file on my email...I'm so sorry! Evidently, I'm not all that savvy either. Insert emoji of girl with hand over her face. I'll go look for them!

  13. I'm so thankful to hear Darlene had a good day yesterday, Jennifer.

  14. I am finally, finally becoming comfortable and happy being home alone. The alone part was never the problem but I just didn't know what I was supposed to be doing. Enjoying figuring that out each day.

    Glad for the good report or improved report on your pastor's wife. So much sadness and sickness in this world. These gratitude posts help us to concentrate on the good in the world.

  15. Bri- I was so glad to hear that! We got even more good news about her today...she is off the ventilator! And he gets to go see her tomorrow (Wednesday). I cannot imagine his immense relief. I cried when I read her CaringBridge website update. We have MUCH to be grateful for.

  16. Leslie- I can see how hard it is to get used to that. It is kind of fun to be figuring all of that out. I have some pretty grand plans in my head and I'm excited to see if they come to fruition.

    You are absolutely right about all the sadness and sickness in our world! I am so glad we do this every week. It really puts my perspective in place again.


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