Thursday, September 23, 2021

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends! We would love for you to join us in this weekly linkup party! Just click that blue button at the bottom of this post and join in with Rebecca Jo, Leslie and me. We'd love to have you!

My number one thing to be thankful for this week is the fact that my pastor's wife was taken off the ventilator on Tuesday! He got to see her yesterday for the first time in just over two weeks and I cannot begin to imagine his immense relief. I cried when I heard this wonderful news! If you're on the fence about a relationship with Jesus and whether or not prayer really works, please know and trust me when I say that you should not wait one more day to place your faith in Jesus. And prayer does work! A couple of weeks ago at the end of our church service, most of us in the sanctuary got down on our knees and prayed for a miracle for Darlene, specifically asking the Lord to heal her enough that she could be taken off the ventilator before the two week mark. God answered our prayers, with just a few hours to spare before she hit that two week mark! All glory, honor and praise to Him.

I am so thankful that Graham is back home safe and sound and that his truck is safely at the shop. I know that sounds strange, but last weekend he went to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee and somewhere near Nashville, his truck broke down on the side of the interstate. He had it towed to my husband's brother's house and it stayed there until Monday. That day after work he and a friend borrowed a gooseneck trailer and a truck to haul it back and brought it back to Memphis. On the road back here, the straps kept coming loose and they had to make about four stops before finally getting back here around two a.m. It was a long and sleepless night for Todd and even for me, since I kept waking up to pray. I've never been so glad to have him back home. (Below is a pic of his truck, which I both love and hate. It's beautiful, but it is a royal pain in the rump for him. I so wish he would sell this for what he can get for it and get something newer and more dependable.)

I am thankful that Drew is having a great first week of work at St. Jude. He's had a couple of long orientation days and he is BEAT, but it's all good. He has his assignments and he is ready to start his normal work schedule. I think that starts this Sunday. For now he's working weekend days and he's been assigned to the bone marrow transplant ward of the hospital. It seems particularly bleak there, as the patients are only allowed one parent to visit. I pray that the Lord would strengthen Drew for this job and that he would be a light that shines brightly for Jesus. (Have you seen the movie Patch Adams? If you have, Drew reminds me so much of the character that Robin Williams played in that movie.)

He was so tired after work on Tuesday that he wasn't up for going to the store for things to pack for his lunch, so I sent Jonah there with the makings of a good lunch for the next two days that night. I'm thankful that Jonah did this for me, because all Drew ate for lunch on Tuesday was a rice krispy treat. He was starving when he got off work.

I'm so thankful for my husband. He talked me off the ledge on Monday night when I had a major hormonal meltdown. He called in reinforcements for me in the way of Jonah and Noah and they were a major help to me that night. It's a long story, but all was well on Tuesday and I was back to my normal self. 

I am so thankful that my mom and Bill had an extra dryer to give to Drew and his roommates for them to use. Their dryer wasn't drying their clothes, so Drew and Sam went out to their house on Monday to pick it up. He promptly went home and put it to good use.

I could go on, but I'll end it there since I need to get started on this day. Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. ❤

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  1. So glad for all the great men in your life! Glad you are feeling better, too. The job at St. Jude's sounds amazing and so challenging all at the same time. Praying God will really use this opportunity. And, praise the Lord, for your pastor's wife being off the ventilator...and being allowed visitors! What a gift and great blessing!! Will keep praying, for sure!

  2. So happy to hear about your pastor's wife. God is so good. He is never late and always right on time. My daughter and her boyfriend are recovering from Covid and he is back to work and believe you me there is no doubt in my mind or my daughters it was because of prayer.

  3. Praise God for Darlene’s improvement!!

    Sorry to hear you had a rough Tuesday. Those hard hormonal days are... well, HARD!

  4. Thank you, Jennifer! I am so happy for them. I am sad to say that she had a setback today and had to be intubated once again. We still serve a mighty God! I know He is able to heal her.

  5. Thank you, Cathy! She did have a setback today, but I have faith that the Lord will pull through for her. I'm so glad your daughter and her boyfriend are doing better! I know you're relieved.

  6. Thanks, Bri! I am sad to say that Dar did have a setback today and they had intubate her again. I know God is able to heal her, though and that is what we're praying! You are right about that being hard, my friend!

  7. Hoping by today, your pastor's wife is back off the ventilator. This dreadful virus. So very frustrating.

    Didn't realize you are in Collierville. I lived in Bartlett most of my childhood. My niece is a general manager for all of the Aldis in Memphis including the store in Collierville across the street from the Kroger. I am so sorry for the senseless violence that hit your little town. Prayers for the families and victims.

  8. Leslie, thank you! And it sure is. She had a procedure today for a trach, which will be gentler on her body.

    What a small world! I love the Bartlett area! I have friends who have lived there forever. I love that... and that your niece is the general manager for Aldi's! If you're ever in this area, you'll have to let me know! Thank you for those prayers, my friend.


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