Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Prime Purchases


Happy  Tuesday, friends! I love seeing what people order from Amazon Prime, don't you??? I am linking up with Tanya from The Other Side of the Road for this blog post. It's been ages since I've done one of these posts, so I have lots to catch up on! 

I ordered this cuticle oil recently and love it—it has helped the skin around my nails not be so dry!

(I don't know why it's so tiny...you can click on the picture and it will redirect you to Amazon.) 

I take vitamins C and D3 everyday, along with zinc, and I can no longer swallow the horse pill that vitamin C is. So, I ordered these gummies and they're SO MUCH BETTER. They taste good and I'm able to get in the recommended dosage.

We've been taking these things for over a year and "subscribe and save" through Amazon. My hubby also takes turmeric, which is a natural anti-inflammatory. but it tastes too much like curry, so I stopped.

I ordered some new stuff for my hair and am very pleased with this product.

I apply it to my wet hair when I wash it at night, along with some leave-in conditioner, then pile it all on top of my head and go to bed with it wet. This is a really lightweight gel like product. 

I ordered this sweet little book for my great nieces in Colorado, that is based on the sweetest song.

I hope they like it, I haven't really talked to her since I bought it for them.

I bought myself this adorable bag! 

It was on sale for less than $15 when I bought it and I was surprised that the quality is so good. 

Lastly, I bought some more purple shampoo and conditioner, a kind that is new to me.

Remember when I mentioned I was tired of my blonde highlights? I used some other purple shampoo and conditioner and it toned the brassy blonde WAY down. I like it again and will keep it for the time being. The next time I go, I may add in some more darker brown or a caramel color. Who knows?

And of course, I purchased a few books, but I'll share about those when I share about the books I read in September. 

What have your purchased lately? I'd love to hear! Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. Cute bag...always nice to get a treat for yourself! And hooray for liking your hair again!! I'm going through a "not so much" phase!?! Ugh.

  2. My youngest daughter uses the Cantu brand for her curly hair and she really likes the product too. It's the little things that we find that help us smile each day :). Great list! I only had one purchase this month, so I am going to write about it later. Have a good day!

  3. I love sending books to littles all around... the best gift to give.
    Loving your weekend vibes bag too!!!

  4. The last thing I ordered was a new Minnie Mouse Antenna Topper for my new van and 2 more Bible Study books for last minute join-inners. lol

  5. I'm so glad you like the cuticle oil! Thanks for linking up!

  6. That book looks precious. I am going to check it out and maybe gift that to my niece. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Jennifer- thanks! I love it too and yes! A treat is always fun. I've been eyeing them all summer long and couldn't pass up the deal it was the day I bought it. I totally get your hair foibles...I am on again, off again with mine. I don't think anyone ever loves their hair completely...if it's not color, it's the cut or the cowlicks. Ha!

  8. Marilyn- yes! It is all about the small things in life. This brand was new to me, but now that I know I like it, I'll be buying it again. I love the inexpensive price! I will go check out your post, I love these and seeing what people buy!

  9. Rebecca Jo- YES! They make the best gifts ever. She probably wishes I'd stop. Ha!

  10. Cathy- that antennae topper sounds fun! I love things like that.

  11. Tanya- I do love it, thanks for sharing it with us and thanks for hosting this each month! It's been a while since I've linked up with this one. It was a fun post.

  12. Bri- I think you'll love it! She has a book trailer for the book, which is how I saw it advertised. It was an Instagram ad. Imagine that! They work on me every time!


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