Friday, September 3, 2021

Friday Favorites, 9.3.21


Happy Friday! Is it just me or did this week go by really quickly? It's so strange how some weeks are like that, when other weeks it seems to take forever for five days to go by. I'm saying all of this and watch next week crawl. I think Graham's puppy makes my days fly by! 

I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for this weekly blog post. 

I'm starting off with a new worship song I heard yesterday. It may be my newest favorite song. I sat and listened to this over and over yesterday. The more I listened, the more the Lord ministered to me through the song. I love worship music! That's one reason why I love it so much—the Lord almost always ministers to me through music. It draws me closer to Him and I can almost tangibly feel His presence. Not always, but when I really press in and linger there in His presence.

(I'm showing off my Assembly of God roots when I say things like that.)

Did you know that I co-host a blog linkup party each week? A friend of mine went back to work and talked about ending it, so I offered to co-host with her each week or take it over, even if it was only temporarily. So she, another blogger Leslie and I host it together each week. It's called Thankful Thursday and it's one of my favorite blog days, because it helps me to pause and reflect on all that I have to be thankful for. You can read this week's post by going here. If you're a blogger, why not join in with us? I think you'll love it as much as I do.

I reviewed the books I read in August this week on my blog as well and I shared about my top four favorites that I've read so far this YEAR. If you need some inspiration, go check out that post by clicking on the picture below.

Reading is my favorite past time!

Have you seen this? I can't remember where I saw it, but I thought I'd share it with you in case you're wanting to watching something to get you in the mood for fall. Did you know that September is one of my favorite months of the whole year because it ushers in my favorite season? Every year on the first of September, all of the fall decorations get put out in our home. I love making our home warm, welcoming and cozy. I hope it's always a refuge of peace to all who enter in the doors, but more than that, it's my prayer that the presence of the Lord is felt. 

So...I get my nails done with a dip powder manicure every month and I've been doing this for two years almost nonstop now. For only the second time in all those months of doing that, I had a nail that cracked. Usually when this happens, it's the dip powder coating that cracks. It's like a layer of hard shell over my real nails...but my actual NAIL cracked, so I'm glad I went in a week and a half early to have them redone. Also, I had on turquoise and I switched over to one of my favorite darker shades, Less is Norse.

Dark shades of polish are my FAVORITE.

I'm participating in one of my favorite things—a photo- a- day challenge on Instagram. I almost never follow all the way through these, but I thought I'd have fun trying.

I got to hear my favorite teacher of all time teach on Wednesday during Bible study. I love Barbee so much! She is one of my favorite people.

And so is my sister Trish! We celebrated her birthday together yesterday and had such a good time together.

This was us with Dad last November as we put the Christmas lights out at his house. It's one of our favorite things to do at his house, but it's a LOT of work. This day last year just about did me in! Notice it's November and she's in a sleeveless shirt. I hate it when the weather is that hot that late in the year.

Saturday was also a favorite day, because we got to celebrate my mom! It was her birthday and we went out and partied. And by partied, I mean we ate Mexican food and window shopped at an antique store. 🤣

Fall scented candles are my favorite. Can you tell? I save them all from year to year and burn whatever is leftover.

It was a good week. I prayed a lot, I tried to stay off of social media, I read and I watched shows either on my own (Army Wives!) or with Todd (Manifest!). How was your week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. ❤


  1. That's my kind of party... Mexican food and window shopping! Yay for bringing out fall candles and I love the coziness that brings. Have a good weekend & I am going to look up that song!

  2. Listening to that song right now... music touches my heart in worship like no message can. Beautiful.

    LOVING that blue dark polish!!!!!!

    I am saving that Fall movie marathon list - I didnt realize that I even love Fall movies more too - LOL

  3. I love candles, too! I really tried to switch over to just essential oils but, who was I kidding? I have to have some candles!! Fall candles are absolutely essential! I really enjoyed Barbee on Wednesday as well!! Hope you have a wonderful (long) weekend:)

  4. I’m going to listen to that song now. Not sure if I’ve heard it or not but I will find out. 😊 Loved hearing about your week; sounds like it was a good one!! We just entered season 2 of Manifest; even more hooked! 😃

  5. Marilyn, this is why we would be friends! ;) I hope you have a great weekend!

  6. Thanks, Rebecca Jo! I loved that list as soon as I saw it, and who knew all those were "fall" movies?!

  7. I'm glad you enjoyed it too, Jennifer! I love her teaching so much. She paints pictures for me with her words and she always helps me to remember things. I don't think I could give up my candle habit! I've heard good things about the oils, but it doesn't seem the same to me. I hope you have a great weekend!

  8. Bri- I love hearing about new music, so feel free to pass any along to me that you come across! We are HOOKED on this show! It is so good!


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Thankful Thursday -- the birthday edition

  Happy Thursday, friends! It wouldn't be a Thursday without a weekly gratitude list; I have so much to be thankful for this week. I...