Monday, September 20, 2021

a few things


Happy Monday, happy fall eve! I am sharing this picture because tomorrow I plan on sharing pictures of our home dressed for fall. (This is from last year and though my decorations have been out since September 1, I haven't yet done the porch.)

I thought I'd share some things that our family has been up to lately that haven't made their way to the blog yet. 

I forgot to mention on here that a few weeks ago on a Saturday afternoon, Todd asked me if I wanted to go to a Redbird's game. (Baseball.) I don't remember why I said I didn't really want to go, but I stayed home and he asked our sons if any of them wanted to go with him. Noah accepted his invitation and they had a great night. The weather was even a little cooler for them, which was nice. 

Toward the end of the game, my husband got hit in the face with a baseball! Ironically, he had been yelling to warn some other people who he thought it was going to hit, because they weren't paying attention, but the ball bounced off a rail and hit him square in the face. His nose instantly started pouring blood and he'd honestly thought his nose was broken or that he was missing some teeth. Thankfully, neither of those was the case, he was just extremely sore for a few weeks. It took 24 hours for his nose to fully stop bleeding! We are both kind of shocked that nobody from the Redbirds reached out to him and they knew what had happened. I don't really know what their protocol is for something like that, but you'd think that someone would have at least called to check on him, especially since he had a "cleanup on aisle 9" nosebleed.

He brought home the ball that tried to kill him.

Moving along to lighter things now...

Noah got this tattoo a couple of weeks ago. He actually got this one to match one that his very best friend has and they went together. He asked us if we minded, but we're probably not the best people to ask this, since Todd and I both have one. I love this one! It's healed now, this was right after they'd finished.

I mentioned everybody in the house is working full time now, but today is the day Drew starts his dream of working at St. Jude Children's Research hospital. He is excited and I am too...I cannot wait to hear about his day. He promised he'd call me today when he got off. He came by last night to bring our lawn mower back from when they'd borrowed it Thursday.

I am really proud of all of our sons. Just this weekend, Jonah had such pride in his voice (the good kind) when he talked about working. Both he and Noah seem to be enjoying their work and the consistent paychecks. Everyone now owns their own vehicles, or they're making progress toward owning it fully by paying on it monthly. I am so happy for them all as they fully embrace this new phase of life. 

Noah decided to buy a different car, though... he came across at a reasonable price and his dream car, a Hyundai Genesis. Noah strikes me as one who is going to own a lot of different vehicles over the course of his life, and not necessarily at one time. He loves cars. This one is super nice and the interior on it looks brand new!

Graham came home this weekend from a stressful trip. He was on his way to Pigeon Forge when his truck broke down on the side of the interstate. At least this is a NEW problem and not one of the older problems that he's paid a ton of money for to be fixed. We have jokingly said that he should consider driving it off into the Mississippi River. 

It's a beautiful truck, but it is a royal pain. It's parked at his uncle's house near Nashville until he can have it towed back to a Memphis shop. Hopefully that won't take long to find someone to do that for him.

Meanwhile, everyone in the house (I'm excluding myself because I'm indifferent) is so excited to have college football back! I'm not really a sports fan, but I'm happy they're all happy to have it back on for them to watch.

This is a pretty normal way to watch an Alabama game around here. He kept yelling and jumping up, so he finally just stood there.

Last night, for the first time in over two years, I went to a movie with my friends. We saw Show Me the Father, a Kendricks Brothers movie that was a documentary on fatherhood. It may have been about earthly fathers, but it was really all about how we all have a heavenly Father who loves us perfectly. Technically, it was a documentary, but it came off as a story as different people talked about different scenarios in their lives that made them who they are today. If you've not seen this, you should consider going to see it this week. It's only going to be in theaters for about one more week. I will always go see movies like this to support this genre of movies so they can continue to make more. This movie was beautifully done with Scripture throughout the movie and I may have sat and quietly sobbed the entire length of it.

So that's about it for what everyone has been up to lately. For myself, I am not really doing anything new. I am still staying home more often than I'm not, unless it's to go grocery shopping, to church/Bible study or to get my nails done. I am supposed to meet a friend today, if our plans are still on, so I'm excited about that. I need to exercise some self-discipline and make myself write...I have a deadline hanging over my head and I've been procrastinating lately. I would also like to write some encouraging devotional type posts for something new coming up and it would be nice to have some written ahead of time that I can pull from occasionally. Other than those things, I've been enjoying studying the book of Esther with some ladies at church and I'm still reading a lot of books, though this month is proving to be a bit slower on that front. 

Thanks for reading my blog, friends! Love to all. ❤


  1. Isn't it so good when our children are doing well while heading into the life of adulthood? It sure makes this mama happy.

  2. The movie/ documentary sounds good. I have not seen a movie in the theater since before the pandemic. I'm glad your boys are doing well. Have a great Monday!

  3. Oh my goodness, I’m glad your hubby’s nose is okay!! That’s a long time for it to bleed, though I’ve heard a nose does that.

    Love Noah’s new tattoo!!!!!!!

    And I’m loving your Esther study. I look forward to my quiet time each morning, and last week was the first week I was able to join in on the full study via Zoom. This week will work out for me to do the same. So thankful you shared. 💕

  4. Still can't believe that happened to your husband at the Redbirds game, but glad he is okay now.

    I hope the first day went well at St. Jude. That is so exciting and rewarding for him to work there.

  5. Cathy- YES! Me too, my friend. I hope you've had a good day!

  6. Thanks, Maria! I was the same- I'm not really a movie going type gal, but once or twice a year, I love to go, especially if it's something like a musical. This was so good! I hope your day was good!

  7. Bri- thank you! Me too. It was a little disturbing, to be honest. I guess I didn't realize it would bleed for so long! I am so glad you're enjoying the study. I am too! I know that I helped write it, but I'm participating right alongside everyone as well, and I have thoroughly enjoyed every page. I'm glad it worked out for you to join through Zoom- who is your leader there? Kay or Pam? Just curious. Hope you had a great day, my friend!

  8. Thanks, Marilyn, me too! I talked to Drew and he had a great first day! He picked up his scrubs today, so he'll get to wear that the next time he goes in. He met the nurse he's assigned to and for the first few weeks he'll be working three twelve hour shifts over the weekend. He's not thrilled to work on the weekends, but thankfully it's not permanent. He'll get to schedule his own hours next time.


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