Wednesday, August 25, 2021

What's Up Wednesday


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Sheaffer and Shay for this monthly blog post. I'll jump right in!

What we're eating this week:

On Monday night, there were only three of us here to eat, so I made grilled sandwiches for Todd and Noah, and I ate chicken salad with crackers and tomatoes. On  Tuesday night I had Drew and his roommates over for dinner and made what they requested—a pasta dish that my sisters make called Gilbertini. It's pasta, cooked breakfast sausage, Alfredo sauce and more mozzarella cheese on top. It's a crowd pleaser, so I made two big pans of it. I served salad and garlic bread as sides.

After all of us ate dinner, I had about half a pan leftover, so I know a couple of them who will be excited to hear that. They love to eat this for lunch or dinner the next day. I usually make something simple on Wednesday nights, and on Thursday night we may go out because it'll just be the two of us. 

What I'm reminiscing about:

This picture showed up on my Timehop this week and I never want to forget this day. This was when he started coming back over last year after we'd had enough of the pandemic. We were laughing our heads off when I took this, mostly because he couldn't remember the name English muffins and called them British biscuits. 🤣 This still cracks me up!

And honestly, I'm reminiscing about a really fun summer and some unexpected trip with girlfriends. I love these ladies! 

What I'm loving:

Funny memes like this one. Sometimes I think if I couldn't laugh, I'd cry a lot more.

I have a couple of friends who love to post things like this on Instagram and they all make me laugh because they're so true. And I just did this the other day. 

What we've been up to:

I lead a very simple life. I stay home most days, then there are days when I go to the grocery store, or there are Bible study days, or church days, or it's a Saturday and I go out with my mom and sister. Mostly I go grocery shopping and I get my nails done every three or four weeks. This was me last week. I occasionally go out with friends or on a date night with my husband and that's about it. Everyone in the house is working or looking for a job these days.

What I'm dreading:

I can't think of anything I'm dreading! 

What I'm working on:

I would say that right now, this little girl is one of the main things I'm working on. She is only four months old and in need of some manners. I say this all jokingly, because she's actually a really good puppy. She has lots of toys to keep her busy and she's doing really good with being house trained. Oakley is my oldest son's dog (in case you're new here) and she got off to a very rough start, but all is well now. I'm home so much during the day that she hangs out with me most days...and her best friends, also known as the other dogs and cat. (Two of the dog and the cat hate her, but Chip loves his new little playmate.)

Aside from her, I need to be working more diligently on the Bible study that I'm helping to write and that is due by the first of the year. 

What I'm excited about:

All the B-E-R months! I love, love, LOVE this time of year. September kicks off my favorite season.

What I'm watching/reading:

Todd and I started watching Manifest this week. We love it so far and watched four episodes on Monday night. I watched all of HGTV's newest show, Cheap Old Houses this week. Have you seen this show? I have followed Elizabeth and Ethan (Cheap Old Houses) on Instagram for years and the show is my new favorite. I always watch Gilmore Girls or Grey's Anatomy at night, or Hallmark movies on the weekends. I'm skipping over what I'm currently reading, because I'm sharing the books I read in August next week.

What I'm listening to:

In the last couple of weeks I've been listening to a Michael Bublé playlist on Spotify. I also listen to Steve Tyrell, Ben Rector and worship music. There are others that I can't remember. 

What I'm wearing:

The same as usual because it is still hotter than Hades right now. I wish I was wearing things that I love to wear during the cozy season. Even if fall starts in September, I don't change my wardrobe all that much until the weather gets cool. Realistically, I just cannot wear sweaters and fall things when it's sweltering.

What I'm doing this weekend:

Hopefully I'll go out with my mom and sister on Saturday. I skipped last week and missed them. Also, Saturday is Mom's birthday! 

What I'm looking forward to next month:

I already said what I'm excited for—all things fall! I love to decorate my house for this season.

What else is new:

I think I covered it all! Thank you for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. I loved your comment that you started getting together again with your dad when you had had enough of the pandemic. My parents have been gone for years but I am pretty certain that had they been alive last year, they would not have wanted to not see their kids/ grandkids out of fear. Quality of life is important...

  2. So nice to have such fun summer memories! Yes, I am so looking forward to fall and cooler temperatures too. Also, that meal looks delicious! Hope bible study went well today.

  3. That meal sounds scrumptious! I am looking forward to fall too but am still content to soak up some sunny summer days as we didn't have that many of them this year.

  4. Thanks, Marilyn! It was mostly good...we kind of started off as a comedy of errors! We have to just go with the flow. I cannot WAIT for the weather to get under 80!

  5. Thank you, Maria! One thing I know- time is a gift. I try to soak up all the moments!

  6. Thanks, Joanne! Where do you live? I'm just curious.

  7. Joe and I just started watching Manifest Monday too and have four episodes down. We are hooked! Love that you made a big dinner for Drew and his roommates; such a sweet mama.

    1. Isn't it so good?!?! I can't wait to watch more tomorrow night. Aw, thank you! I love doing big dinners like that for people. ❤️❤️

    2. Isn't it so good?!?! I can't wait to watch more tomorrow night. Aw, thank you! I love doing big dinners like that for people. ❤️❤️


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