Monday, August 16, 2021


Happy Monday, friends! How was your weekend? Our was so good and unusually busy. I feel like that so rarely happens these days, but it was fun and different. 

I always have to start with Fridays with Dad. For anyone new here, my 90 year young daddy comes over and spends every Friday afternoon with me. When the boys were little, we used to spend that time to go and do things, but these days are easy and simple now that they're grown and he's the age he is. He gets here at eleven thirty every week and I almost always make us lunch, but this week we went to Lenny's instead. My morning was very rushed and frazzled, so I was glad that he was on board to do this. We just ate lunch and came back home. Every week we just talk about all the things and solve all the problems of the world. We always laugh, because every single week, we talk about food and make ourselves hungry. Our favorite things to discuss are Jesus and food.

How sweet is this picture that I snuck of him holding sweet little Oakley?

Our dogs love my dad and he loves them, though Callie (our German Shepherd) is his favorite (and he is her favorite).

On Saturday, my Mom and Trish picked me up and we went out for a bit. We went to Target for me to buy makeup and some hair products, we went to lunch, then we went to an antique mall nearby. It was a fun time and I was back home around one thirty. That night we met some friends for dinner and then we went to an escape room! 

I took this just to document that I was out on a date and up way past my bedtime on a Saturday night. Bonus—we escaped from our room with eight minutes to spare! I've never been so proud.

Todd and I were at church bright and early on Sunday, then back home for lunch. Instead of our typical Sunday afternoon choir rehearsal, we had a special Christmas party to preview our Christmas music that we're singing this year. I went early to help set up, and didn't get back home until six.

It was SO MUCH FUN! I appreciate all the work it took to make this happen for us. 

I came home afterward and a little while after I got home, Noah got home! He was out of town for the last eight days and I was so glad to see him and hug him. 

Todd worked last night, so I sat and worked on blog stuff for the week and watched Gilmore Girls. How was your weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all! 

P.S. I'm linking up with Tanya and friends for this weekly blog post.


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