Monday, August 9, 2021



Happy Monday, friends! I'm linking up with Tanya (and friends) for this weekly blog post.

We had a very low key weekend, as we've been having here lately. (Since Drew moved out.) On Friday my dad came over and Jonah took over the puppy daycare for me so I could visit with him. 

I love this man! We always have the best time together each week. I took him home, ordered pizza and came home to eat and watch a movie on Netflix. Todd worked that night, so it was a quiet evening. I watched Poms on Netflix, with Diane Keaton, who is one of my favorite actresses. It was a good movie! I laughed in it, but the end was a little sad, in a good way.

I helped Noah pack up some things for his trip to Alabama this week. His best friend is moving into his dorm and asked him to stay a few days. He left early Saturday morning and they made it there by noon. While that was going on, I was getting dressed to spend part of the day with my mom and sister Trish.

I "found" this shirt while I was getting dressed...I'd forgotten about it because it had gotten misplaced between hangers in my closet. I love finding stuff that I loved at one time! I haven't worn this in over a year.

We ate lunch, then went to Dillard's, then Kroger and they dropped me back off. I read for the rest of the day and finished one book and started another. I will write about this more at the end of the month, but three of the four books I've read so far in August have been my favorite three that I have read all year. 

Yesterday was church, then choir, then we went back to church at six. We had a conference at our church today that had four parenting sessions on things like dealing with screens and your kids who are addicted to them, and they also talked about hard issues we're facing today in the world we're living in. We talked about things like transgenderism and homosexuality and ways we can love those people and share Jesus with them in a non-judgmental way. The two sessions we attended were phenomenal, and I'm excited about watching the other two sessions online. At the regular service time, the speaker talked about God's design for marriage. I don't know a person alive who doesn't need to hear that message!

How was your weekend? What all did you do? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog. Love to all!


  1. Cute shirt! I like it when I find forgotten about items of clothes in my closet :). Your church sounds fantastic! We just started going to a new, smaller church and I am so thankful for it.

  2. Now that I'm back in the office, I'm doing that - finding clothes I totally forgot I had. Like a surprise wardrobe - NARNIA! LOL

  3. Thanks, Maria! It's almost as good as finding cash in a coat pocket...but not quite that good. Ha! We love it at our church...I'm glad to hear you're happy with the move your family made as well!

  4. I would love to hear that message from your church. Sounds so helpful in today's times. Thankful for good teaching!

  5. I was debating about watching POMS; I usually like anything with Diane Keaton in it.

  6. I'll share it here when it becomes available, Marilyn!

  7. Joanne, it was a little crude in several spots, but it was pretty funny. I always know I can't go wrong with anything she is in!


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