Monday, August 2, 2021



Happy Monday, friends. I'm linking up with Tanya and friends for this blog post today. 

It was a super low key weekend, and I don't have a lot to write about, but here goes. We got started with Dad coming over on Friday, as usual, and we ran ourselves silly! We didn't really, it just felt like that because it was SO. HOT. We had record breaking temperatures here near Memphis last week and my whole body felt that. 

We met my son Jonah and my sister Trish for lunch, then Dad and I went on to Hobby Lobby, then to Kroger, then back home. I gave us ice cold water to drink and we proceeded to sit in the cool air the next hour and a half and solve all the world's problems. I always take him home at 3:30 and I came home to read for a few minutes before Todd got home from work.

We took Jonah and met Drew for dinner. Noah went to a friend's and Graham made his own plans.

We went to his house after that for just a bit and I saw all they've done since I was there the night he moved in, then we proceeded to laugh ourselves half to death because Jonah accidentally tased himself in the hand with his own taser. (Yes, they have these, they're boys.)

They have these lights all over their house.

We came home after that and I finished my book.

I wrote about the books I read in July yesterday, so you can read about them in the post following this one.

I did a few things around the house on Saturday (vacuumed, laundry, etc.) and then I read for the rest of the day. I started another really good book. That night Todd worked, so I watched a movie and ate leftovers for dinner. 

Yesterday was church and was followed by choir practice at three, then I came home and read the rest of the evening. I finished the book from Saturday and started my next read. The big news of the weekend is that my son Graham got a puppy! She's tiny right now and so precious. Her name is Oakley.

And here are the other dogs, being terrified. I honestly can't believe I agree to another dog, and a puppy at that. He is still searching for a house and still hopes to move soon, but until then, my days may be a little more rambunctious until we can trust this little one. I'll share a better picture of her in the next few days. 

Her arrival at our home was traumatic and involved Graham's friend being involved in a major five car wreck on the interstate, in which the guy's truck was totaled. (It wasn't his fault.) This little pup and her siblings were in a kennel and it was broken during the accident, but they were okay. Thankfully all the boys were at Drew's house not too far away, so they all went to the scene to help out in any way they could and stayed there with them and helped them get home. (This all happened after midnight and they didn't get home until after three a.m. Needless to say, I didn't sleep much that night as I kept up with them.)

How was your weekend?

Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. It sounds like an absolutely wonderful weekend, all except the accident that is. I can't wait until I retire later this year so I can have more time to read (although, I've actually read quite a bit this month).

  2. Oh my... that is a traumatic home coming for the pups!!!! Glad everyone was OK.
    I've seen a lot of puppies lately around & its giving me puppy fever - AGAIN

  3. Cathy- I like the sound of you having some free time to read lately! I feel like that is such a luxurious be able to sit and read. I'd always much prefer to pick up a book than to turn on the TV. ;) Hope you're having a great day!

  4. Rebecca Jo- RIGHT? My son told me that the three dogs were in a kennel and that it broke upon impact! I'm glad that everyone was okay, even though he said all the dogs were yelping. I'd imagine they were terrified. It's helping me be more patient with her, too- she's only ten weeks old and such a baby! She's doing really well, though, all things considered. It's tempting, isn't it? But they're SO. MUCH. WORK. I always seem to forget that part.

  5. Your weekend sounds lovely- minus the accident- hopefully everyone was all right?? Have fun with the puppy!

  6. Thanks, Maria! It really was, even in spite of her traumatic arrival. Yes, everyone else was fine! I'm so glad for that.


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