Monday, August 30, 2021

weekending and all about my mom


Happy Monday, friends! We had a really good weekend around here and I thought I'd share about that and one of my favorite people on earth—otherwise known as my mom. ❤

Saturday was her actual birthday, and she, my sister Trish and I had all made plans to go out and do something fun. We didn't necessarily do that because it was Mom's birthday, we just like to do that on Saturdays. I'm so glad I have them here to go and do things like that! We love to try to come up with different places to go, rather than just our same old, same old. This week we were successful! 

First, we stopped and ate lunch at Pancho's, which is a delicious and local restaurant. We stopped to take this picture before we went in to eat.

Look how beautiful they both are! Doesn't Mom look amazing? You'd never believe her age if I were to tell you, but I'm not. ;)

We ate lunch, then we went to an architectural design store called Palladio. I thought it was one store, but it's more like three or four and we had so much fun just browsing all the aisles...until we all got too hot to enjoy it any longer and had to leave.

I loved this crown! I kind of wish I'd bought it, actually—to remind me of my status as a Daughter of the King. 

We were going to try out a new cookie place (well, new to us) called Crumbl, but the line was out the door and down the sidewalk. No cookie is good enough to make me wait in a long line on a day when it was a hundred degrees. After that, we just headed back home, but it was a fun day! I'm so glad we were able to celebrate Mom all day and I made it my goal to tell everyone that it was her birthday. ❤

I thought I'd share some things about Mom that I've never mentioned here before. 

She has impeccable taste! I love her style and how she dresses. She looked so pretty on Saturday, from her hair and jewelry to her cute shoes. I aspire to look that good when I'm her age.

She knows so much about so many things! She is easily one of the smartest people I know.

She is a lifelong friend to many. I've noticed about her that the friends she has are ones she's been friends with forever. They all say the same thing about her—how much they love her and that she is so talented.

She is SO TALENTED! She sews things—clothes, blankets and curtains, she is an extremely gifted dried floral arrangement-maker, she is an incredible decorator, she can do anything. ANYTHING!

She is really, really funny and can make me laugh harder than anyone else. 

She reminds me of my grandmother when she laughs and it tickles me pink to see her do that. I loved my grandmother's laugh!

She cooks better than anybody I know. Her recipes are all so yummy! When Todd and I started dating, he was shocked at all the foods she was able to get him to try. He loved almost everything! He ate with us every single night almost.

Mom loves people well. She nurtures, she encourages, she prays, she cheers all her girls on. None of us have ever doubted how much she loves us and she is our greatest champion.

Mom, I love you! We'll celebrate you on a night when we don't have flash flood warnings.

My hubby worked all three weekend nights, and I watched three nights worth of shows and movies while he worked. 

We had church on Sunday and it was so good to be there. I love our Pastor and always appreciate his sermons. 

I had choir practice on Sunday afternoon. This little one kept me thoroughly entertained while we rehearsed.

Look at her mimicking us! She was singing right along with us all. I cracked up a couple of times over things she said.

This was my dinner Saturday night and Sunday after church. This was DELICIOUS. There's nothing I love more than shrimp. (Sorry, Mom! She's allergic and I feel so sad for her, because she loved it more than I do!)

I did a lot of this with Oakley. I didn't hate it! It was a good weekend. How was yours? I'd love to hear from you! Come back tomorrow—I'm sharing about all the books I read in August. ❤❤

Thanks for reading! Love to all. 

I'm linking up with Johanna and Heather for this blog post. 


  1. I'm glad you had a great time celebrating your mom. She sounds like an amazing lady!

  2. Thanks, Maria! She really is. It was a fun day and I'm glad we had it together, since the weather here canceled our birthday dinner tonight. Have a great day, my friend!

  3. Your mom is a beautiful, like her daughters, and she sounds just as beautiful on the inside. What a sweet tribute.
    Now you have me inspired to go eat at Panchos some time soon. It has been years since I have been there!
    Sounds like a great weekend with family, movies and church!

  4. What a fun weekend! Yes, your momma is beautiful! I loved reading all the wonderful things about your mom....brought back such special memories of my own mother - who was, by the way, the best cook ever!!:) Hope your week ahead is a special one, too!! Happy Monday!

  5. Thank you, Marilyn! And YES- go to Pancho's!!

  6. Thank you, Jennifer! That's sweet about your mom. I know you still miss her! I feel so fortunate to live by all of our parents.

  7. That sounds like such a fun outing with your mom and sister! My mom and I only think to do something like that once or twice a year but we do see each other a lot; especially in the summer when she's just down the road.

  8. I loved hearing about your mom - you all have such a special relationship. Hope you have a good week.

  9. That crown would have been perfect; I love it!! So glad you were able to celebrate your mom this weekend. My mom's birthday is in August too {yet another thing we have in common ;)} and I would have loved to get together with her if I lived close by. Have a great week, Jen!

  10. Your mom really is so beautiful!!! I see where you get your looks too

  11. Thanks, Bri! Me too, it was such a fun day. That's funny! I have another good friend whose mom shares my mom's birthday. I love when that happens. I know you miss your mom! I hope your week is going well, sweet friend!

  12. Thank you, Rebecca Jo! I sure think so. I hope I look just like her when I'm her age! We have good genes in my family and neither of my parents look their age.


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