Thursday, August 26, 2021

Thankful Thursday


Happy Thursday, friends. Rebecca Jo, Leslie and I are back to host this week's Thankful Thursday post. I love reading all of your posts, so thanks for joining us each week!

I love slow mornings at home and am always so glad when I get to sit down and do things like this. I don't know why I have never done this, but on Tuesday I was inspired to pull out a new composition book and start scheduling posts for my blog. I get in ruts with this little space, so it was good to do this. I filled up the rest of August and most of September! Another blogger whose blog I read does this and shared her list this week. This is why I love reading blogs—so that I can be inspired when normal people share tips and tricks that work for them. I will never grow tired of that.

Thanks to the dreaded c-word, it's been over a year since I've heard from the boy we sponsor across the world through Compassion International. I got a letter from him this week and I've never been so glad to read about him and what he has been doing. He lives in a French speaking part of the world and thanks to four years of French that I took, I was able to read a lot of this letter without looking at the translation.

I am thankful to be a believer. I say this all the time, but I don't know how someone is able to live in this world today without Jesus in their life. Even with Him, life is hard! Without Him it would be unbearable. Do you know Him? I would love to talk to you more about Him, so if you're reading this and that interests you, will you email me?

I can't remember if I've said this on here yet, but I was looking for a part time job several weeks ago to help fill my time. I applied at our local library (how perfect would that have been??), but the position was filled and it wasn't me that got the job. I had asked the Lord to let me be okay with that, if that is how He worked it out in His good and perfect plan, and I was really okay with all of this. I was still thinking of other places I could apply, and I got one application from one of my favorite stores on the square and filled it out, but I never turned it in. I didn't feel peace about working there and wondered if would be too laborious for me to be there, even part time. (It's a decorating and flower shop.) So, I've not filled out any other applications since then and I am back to just staying at home for now. I don't know how long it'll last and I really would like to work a few hours each week, but as of right now, I am thankful to be able to be at home. I'm helping my oldest son with his dog and I am staying home most days. 

I said all of that to say that I am so grateful for the promises of God. I love this verse from Proverbs 16.

I believe this with all of my heart. I am thankful for the Word of God and that it is true! 

I know it's been a heavy couple of weeks in our world—and though I don't write about it a lot on here, I do think about it all and pray all the time for what is going on around us. The Lord keeps reminding me that I can trust in Him. He is good because He is God and He is sovereign over every circumstance—even when it's beyond my understanding. We need Jesus, my friends. The world needs Jesus. I pray that His light continually shines through me and that this space can always be a bright spot amidst all the darkness of this world. I do tend to keep things lighthearted here, because we have enough heaviness right now without me adding my two cents. Know that everything is usually on my mind, though. I spend a lot of time praying about it all and for the people I know and love who don't know Jesus. The world is coming more and more to Him and even though that can be scary, it's also exciting. A favorite pastor of mine used to say this same thing about such times—the world is growing gloriously dark. 

That's why I ask you again—do you know Jesus? Don't wait!

Praying for anyone and everyone who reads this blog today. Love to all. 

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  1. Thankful today for your encouraging post. I'm like you, I don't know how people make it day to day without Jesus. I feel so blessed to know Him and even more that He actually loves me!

  2. Loved that shot of your table and planner! I do all my blog planning right in my planner, too.

  3. You're welcome, Cathy! I feel that same way. I know people probably tire of me saying it all the time, but I always think that when I hear of such hard times. I hope your week has been good!


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