Thursday, August 5, 2021

Thankful Thursday, 8.5.21


Happy Thursday, friends! I am linking up with my friends Rebecca Jo and Leslie for this week's thankful post. 

At the risk of sounding incredibly cheesy and cliché, I have to say that I am thankful for YOU. I feel like I've found a whole new community of blog friends in the past six months to a year, and after years of blogging with little to no commenting or reactions from posts, it feels encouraging to have that all of a sudden. I know people may get tired of link-up blog posts, but it's how this community was formed, I think and now I know one of you personally and a few of you are asking about Bible study this fall! So thank you for always taking time to comment and encourage me and generally be there as a cheerleader in my life. You don't know what a blessing that is! I am usually the one to do that for other people, but it is delightful to receive it for once in my life. I am feeling very grateful tonight as I sit here and write this on Wednesday night.

Speaking of Bible study, here is what you can do if you're interested in joining us! First thing is to click this link to go to the signup page. Next, click on the time at the bottom of that page that you're interested in, though if you're joining remotely, it shouldn't matter which time you choose. On the next page, click on "sign up". On the following page, fill out the info and click on the option you'd like to join us by (virtual or on campus) and click next and finish signing up. By signing up, you'll be added to an email list that will email the videos to you with a link to Vimeo each week. To purchase the book, you can call our church (I know this is SO old fashioned, but hopefully our next study will be offered through Amazon) and place your order. You can do this on your own or with your own small group at your house! Our church will ship a book to you and you can begin when you get the book! We will start on August 18, but it doesn't matter when you start. Our church's number is 901-853-2668...they may ask how you heard about this, and just mention my name- Jennifer Goodwin. Let me know if you need additional help! My email is if you want to talk more personally.

On that note, I am also very thankful for community that feels close knit, even when it's not by distance. If I had to walk through life without a community of women friends, I would be so sad and lonely! We're not meant to walk through life alone and we all know how hard life is, even when we tend to put our best foot forward. Do you follow Jennie Allen on Instagram? She wrote a beautiful post on this yesterday that I loved. If you don't follow her, you should check her out. She's a writer, speaker and has a podcast that I like to listen to occasionally.

I realize that this image is strange to post, but I took this screenshot yesterday as my son was out there with their friend who came over to hang out and wash his truck. I am thankful for the fact that my sons have really great friends. I'm thankful that even though that revolving door gets tiresome from time to time, that all those friends know that when they come here, they know they're loved and valued and always welcome. They'll be treated like they're one of our own and they'll be given unsolicited advice when the need arises. 

I am thankful for a Scripture writing plan that Shannon Long puts together for anyone who wants to use it each month. I know she has mentioned that sometimes she is criticized for how long some days are, but who complains about Scripture writing? You either do it or you don't. I have been writing Scripture for years, and I love this particular them in August, because it helps me remember who exactly God is in my life and I'm able to use these names in my prayer time. If you go to the sidebar on my blog, I have a square there with her name- Sweet Blessings- and you can go to her blog for a printable version if you want to join me. (Some days are long, so on those days I read the verses and write out the ones that stick out to me.)

I am thankful for an easy week this week, because my son got a puppy and guess who keeps her in the daytime while he's at work? Well, the answer is mostly me, but also anyone else who happens to be at home. Once he's home, she is all his, but isn't she precious? Her name is Oakley and she is the sweetest little thing.

I'm thankful for nights when we're all together, which are rare these days.

I'm thankful for the Bible study I did with one of my best friends this summer. I finished it yesterday and I had a moment of being proud of us for finishing it all and being committed each week. We didn't meet last night like we normally do because she had family in town for just one day and I also have been struggling with not feeling great all week because of my sinuses. I love the cool weather, but it's messing with my head.

I'm thankful that I've had books to read that held my interest so much that I've stayed up way too late most nights. 

I could literally go on and on, but I'll end on that note. Those were all the things that jumped out to me on Wednesday night when I started writing. Thanks for reading my blog! I look forward to reading your posts today. Love to all! 

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  1. I am so thankful to have FOUND you in blog land!!!! You are just a shine of joy in my day with your posts.


  2. I am thankful to have found your blog. I love your authenticity- how you keep things real while also being positive and encouraging to those reading.

  3. I'm so glad Rebecca Jo found you and told us about you. I have been enjoying reading your posts and getting to know you a little bit. I think I kinda like the idea of writing Scripture. I know we did it with one of the Bible Studies we did a few years ago. I believe it was one of Beth Moore's. I may have to check out the one that your doing now. I kinda like learning the names of Jesus. Our group will be starting a new study in September by Priscilla Shirer on Elijah.

    Your son's puppy is adorable!! Puppies are just so special and fun and a lot of work! lol

    Thanks for co-hosting Thankful Thursday and have a great day!!

  4. I love your blog and encouragement, so thank you!! Thanks for sharing how to join the study. And Oakley is beyond cute!!!!!

  5. Rebecca Jo- Thank you! And it's a good thing she's cute...I'm convinced God does that so we will love them even when they're a pain in the rear!

  6. Thank you for that encouragement, Maria!

  7. Thank you, Cathy! You should join me! It's not too late. ;) I remember doing that for the first time in a Beth Moore Bible study. I love doing this and I feel like it plants the word of God deep into my heart. That study sounds awesome! I love her and know that everything she does is phenomenal.

  8. Bri- thank you, my friend! I'm glad I could help you out, let me know if you end up joining us.

  9. So thankful to be blog friends and to have met as well! You bring such encouragment through your blog. And I so agree, good friends for our kids are so important and a huge thing I am also thankful for.


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

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