Thursday, August 12, 2021

Thankful Thursday, 8.12.21


Happy Thursday, friends! I am co-hosting today's Thankful Thursday post along with Rebecca Jo and Leslie. We hope you'll join in with us! 

I am thankful for the day alone that I had on Monday. It's very rare for me to have an entire day with nobody else at home with me, except my dogs. My oldest son was house sitting and took his little puppy with him, and during that day, Jonah went over there to watch Oakley while Graham was at work. It was a GLORIOUS day. I enjoyed my coffee and took my time drinking it, I gave myself a pedicure with a new color I purchased over the summer, I caught up in my Bible reading in my Everyday with Jesus Bible, I caught up with my Scripture writing and wrote out the plan in my journal, I straightened up the house from the weekend, I went to the grocery store and came home to eat lunch in front of a Hallmark movie, I read, I made a yummy dinner...I prayed on and off all day. It was so refreshing! I am such an introvert and fully recharge when I have a lot of downtime like that.

I am thankful for opportunities the Lord gives to me. I've been meeting a young newly married lady over the past year or so (we don't meet that often because of time) and I got to see her and spend time with her Tuesday night. It was good to sit and catch up and hear about all the exciting things she has going on in her life right now, both as a new wife and as a brand new teacher at a great Christian school.

I am so thankful Bible study starts back next week! Our books just came in this week and the thrill will never get old when I see something we poured our hearts into as the writers of these studies the ladies in my church (and everywhere) participate in. It's so exciting and also very humbling. 

I was praying one morning this week over some personal things in my life right now and shortly after I finished praying, I ran across this verse. I am so thankful for the truth that the Word of God is and that it's living and active. My pastor said this one time about the verse that comes from — 

For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than any double edged sword, penetrating as far as the separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

He said that this verse means that as WE read the Word of God, the Word of God reads us. Isn't that incredible to think about?

Needless to say, I was so thankful to come across that verse and the Lord used it to speak into my heart about something I'd just prayed for. He is so good like that.

And on that same note, I am thankful for this that I came across this week as well. Do you think God is trying to teach me something? 

I am thankful for easy and delicious dinner ideas that I've had this week, especially because I keep getting into a dinner rut!

I am thankful for the fact that my son Jonah is going to work for the family business starting next week. This has been a very long and drawn out process of me praying for him about this decision and he's a stubborn one! He (and his twin brother Noah) both made the decision not to go to college, which we're fine with, but it means that they have to work full time. Jonah decided this and accepted Todd's job offer just this weekend and Noah is still trying to get on at one particular place here in our town.

I am thankful that my son Drew has taken the first steps to working his dream job—at St. Jude Hospital here in Memphis. He applied as a certified nursing assistant and hopes to work there until he goes back to nursing school (and staying there forever). I am praying that God directs his steps.

I am thankful that I have nothing new to report on my oldest son, Graham, which means he is steady in his life right now. That's a beautiful thing and trust me when I say that I thank God for this. I don't take it too lightly, because so many things in life are uncertain right now. 

I am thankful for the days when my hubby comes home early from work, even if he's still working while sitting at the kitchen table. I love having him here and I love our nights at home together in companionable quiet.

It's been a good week. How has yours been? I'd love to hear from you! 

Click on the blue button below and link up with us today, we would love for you to join in the conversation! 

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  1. Your catch up morning sounds just about perfect!

  2. I just love when God puts those same verses & thoughts in your path that all connect ... you KNOW He's telling you something.
    I'm doing the She Reads Truth bible study on Esther & I never tire of that book of the Bible!
    Hope you have a great day friend!

  3. I printed out the writing scripture pages and am so enjoying it. I'm not trying to catch up, but just doing it in my time. Thanks for sharing about it.

  4. Congratulations to your boys on their new jobs! And I'm sure that bible study is going to be great.

  5. Your Bible study book is GORGEOUS! Love seeing your name on there. I’m sure it’s such a social moment for all you women that have poured your heart in as you prepared for this study. I’m all signed up! I just need to call your church to order the book. 😊

  6. Michele- thank you! It was. And much needed! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  7. Rebecca Jo- YES! I love it when He does that. I feel the same way and I know their study is wonderful. That's the Bible I have and I love everything they put out. I have only studied Esther once, many years ago, so I'm excited to start!

  8. Cathy, that sounds perfect! I have days that I miss, but I try not to be too legalistic about it and just do it when I'm able. I'm glad you're joining in!

  9. Bri- Thank you! I am so GLAD! I would love to gift you with a me privately and pass along your address to me, if you don't mind, and I'll get it in the mail!


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