Monday, August 23, 2021

Monday encouragement


Happy Monday, friends! I didn't do much this weekend, so instead of a "weekending" post that I normally do on Monday, I thought I'd share some music I love right now. I listen mostly to Christian music or worship music, with a bit of Ben Rector, Michael Buble and Steve Tyrell thrown in the mix. 

This first video is a song by Matthew West called Take Heart. I've not heard a more fitting song for this day and time that we are currently living in. I think if you listen to these songs, your heart will be encouraged.

I love Maverick City Music right now and find myself leaning towards their music. This song below is called Million Little Miracles.

Another favorite right now is anything/everything by CeCe Winans. This song is called Believe For It.

I love Charity Gayle right now as well. I know that her songs never disappoint and they're very worshipful. This song below is called Endless Praise.

I love anything by Shane & Shane and the words of this sweet hymn are so uplifting to my soul and a great daily reminder for me. This is Tis So Sweet.

I'll wrap this post up with that last video, but I want to encourage you for a minute. I know many of you are like me and that you're struggling with the troubles of this world. My Pastor preached a phenomenal message on this yesterday and I plan on sharing it here this week when the link is posted, but his takeaway was that when times are hard, PRESS ON. Don't keep looking to the things of this world! Be encouraged and fix your gaze back on Jesus, if you're a believer. Spend time praying, read His Word, use the Bible app, join a Bible study (in person or online), meet with some believing friends. I mention all of these things because all of them will lift your spirit. Don't miss those first two—pray and read His Word. Times are so hard right now and so, so heavy. 

We must pray at all times and in every occasion. Turn off the news, maybe take a break from social media...spend time reading a book and let your heart take a rest. Don't forsake going to church, if you're able! Just being there in person is so encouraging. Stop letting the enemy mess around with you and remind him of his future—I've read the whole Bible and God wins in the end. The enemy is thriving all around us right now and he is so good at causing division and distraction within the body of Christ. Let's be diligent in our faith again and let's resolve to look to Jesus more than we look to anything else.

What are some ways you deal with the times right now? These are all my favorite ways to be encouraged, but I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for reading! Love to all. 


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...