Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday Favorites, 8.27.21


Happy Friday, friends! I am linking up with Andrea and Erika for this blog post today. I don't know why, but it always surprises me a little that the weeks go by so fast. Life is a beautifully mundane thing for me right now and there is structure in each of my days. I'm not complaining about this, because I've been having a little bit of anxiety lately. Like I've said almost everyday this week, life is hard right now. 

On a much lighter note, here are some of my favorite things from this week. 

It's been a long time since I've mentioned my favorite pens.

You should be able to click on the image to take you to Amazon. I used to love and use the Flair felt tip marker pens, but the price on those kept going up and up. I came across these one day and thought for the price that it would be worth a shot, and I was pleasantly surprised! I love these. They're a fine tip and perfect for writing in Bible study books and such. I'm a school supply nerd and all of that kind of thing is my favorite. I am in heaven when I have some new pens and a pretty new notebook or three ring binder.

Speaking of journals...

Isn't this one cute? I love the Studio Oh! brand. You can look at that brand in person at Barnes and Noble if you don't want to trust Amazon. I will say about this that you need to pay attention to the size, even if it means getting out a tape measure. I ordered one once and it was a lot smaller than I thought it would be. I made it work and used it all up, but I prefer them to be a little larger. I also love the journals I can usually find at HomeGoods. 

Mornings like this picture above are my favorite. This was on Tuesday. I had read in my Bible for the day and was planning things out for the rest of the week. I was making a grocery list, I was making a blog schedule, I was writing in my journal and I was praying. I am always so glad for easy mornings when I have nowhere pressing to be.

Tuesday night dinner was my favorite night, because we were all home to eat together. We had one extra. 

Puppy cuddles are my very favorite! Oakley is doing really well, I am glad to report. She very rarely has an accident these days, and she is getting used to being with the other dogs and getting settled in. Believe it or not, she sleeps almost all day. There are times when she is very playful with the other dogs, but for the most part, she is calm. I like that quality in a dog.

This is my favorite brand of lipstick right now! I was using an expensive brand that I loved, but I found this on Amazon and again, the price made me want to try it out for myself. I love it and just bought three more shades for the fall—fig, cocoa and Thalia (pictured above). 

Bible study days are my favorite! I have the sweetest small group this semester and our discussion the past two weeks was SO GOOD. I love a good discussion! 

Before you move on, keep reading after this post—I posted about my sons last night and gave a life update for all of them. I'd love for you to read it! Go here to check it out.

This picture above is one of my favorites of them all...they decided at the last minute to make posters for the veterans walking by us at the annual Veteran's day parade in downtown Memphis and ended up on the evening news. What a sweet memory.

How has your week been? What were some of your favorite things/moments from the week? I'm thinking I may do an Amazon lately post next week...I always LOVE seeing what people order from there. Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. Bible study was great this week! Glad you enjoyed your small group! Here's to a great semester of studying Esther - and, thanks again, for the invitation to join!! Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. I loved reading about your sons and what they are up to. You must be so proud!

  3. Ohhh, thanks for sharing those pens! I have always gotten the name brand, which are WAY more expensive than these ones you shared. Adding to my list now, along with that adorable journal. I am LOVING the Esther study and so thankful you shared.

  4. I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Jennifer! I am so excited you're joining us, as well!

  5. You're welcome, Bri! I love stuff like that and always appreciate it when other people share. I'm so glad you're studying Esther with us!


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...