Friday, August 20, 2021

Friday Favorites, 8.20.21


Happy Friday, Friends! I am linking up with Erika and Andrea for this blog post. 

It's been a good week for me, albeit one that was busier than I'm used to. I'm not complaining, though, it felt good and more normal. Here are a few of my top favorite moments throughout the week.

Last weekend we went out to dinner and to an escape room with these friends. Bonus—we escaped with eight minutes to spare! 

Last weekend we were running low on sugar, which is what we all sweeten our coffee with, so I made myself an iced coffee to save the rest of it for my husband. I had one cup of my regular coffee, then I made this. It was surprisingly delicious and I didn't mind that it was cold. I just added a splash of hazelnut flavored creamer, which is our favorite flavor.

I know this is controversial to say here, but I am not a fan of pumpkin spice. My friend Amy, however, is and I laughed so hard when I saw this. I immediately sent her this meme in a text.

Speaking of Amy, that's her on stage teaching for Bible study this week! We started the study of Esther and I was so glad to be back! Bible study days are always my favorite.

I'll wrap this post up with this last picture—last night, these friends and I met for dinner for the first time in a couple of years. We are friends from our old church and we became friends years ago, after I had subbed for a Bunco night. We decided Bunco wasn't our thing, so we made our own club—dinner club! We started meeting once a month and we did that for many years. Eventually we stopped because it became harder to get together with kids who were growing up, but it was so good seeing them last night! We decided to reinstate dinner club and plan on meeting in September. In the back on the left is Tammy, then Lisa, Rene is beside me and me. We've been friends for over 20 years and our kids all grew up together. 

So, how was your week? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog. Love to all! 


  1. Looks like another fun week! We did an escape room last weekend. Made it out - but with only three minutes to spare!!:) Bible study looks wonderful. I did sign up...and tried to get a book but it just hasn't worked out. I wonder can I still follow along without the book? Will they be sending me the link (either way) since I registered?? Not sure. But if it doesn't work out for me, know that I will be praying for you and the ladies attending this semester!

  2. Hey, Jennifer! You can absolutely follow along without the book. When you sign up, that puts you on an email list that will come to you each week. Thank you for those prayers!


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...