Monday, July 19, 2021



Happy Monday, friends! I did not mean to take a week off from blogging, but sometimes it just happens. I have learned to go along with the ebb and flow of this space in the fifteen years I've been writing here and I think it's why I don't often get burned out. When I'm not "feeling it", I don't write. When I am, I do. 

How was your weekend? I have a lot to catch you up on! I'll do more of that tomorrow and will pick up where I left off on the post before this one, but for now, here is a little of what we did.

I got a new car! Last week we found out that insurance totaled my car that Jonah wrecked and while I was away for the weekend (last weekend), Todd found this car. I love her! She's a Volkswagen Tiguan and we dropped off my rental car on Friday afternoon and went to pick this up. I haven't named her yet, but I'm thinking. My last car was named Madame Blueberry after my kids' favorite Veggie Tales movie from when they were young, and also because she was blue and kinda looked like a blueberry.

On Saturday I went out with my mom and my sister Trish. We ate lunch and ran a few errands, then I went to see my dad and my in-love's to show them my new car and took them all for joy rides. ;)

I read for the rest of the afternoon that day and went to bed early so I could be fresh and ready to sing at 8:15 in the morning for praise team at church. I had a meeting afterwards and when I got home, everyone was walking out the door. I changed into some comfy clothes and watched tv for the rest of the day. 

What did you do all weekend? I'd love to hear from you! I'm linking up with Tanya for this blog post. Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. Thanks, Marilyn! I love it and am having fun driving it and getting familiar with a new vehicle.

  2. What a cute new car! I agree about blogging - lately I've been writing about 2 posts / week and that seems to be what is working for summertime. Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  3. What a relief it must be to have the new vehicle... I love it!!

  4. Congrats!!! It takes me like 3-6 months to finally decide on a car - I'm so wishy washy on decisions anyways. That's awesome you have that behind you!

  5. Thanks, Tanya! And yes-I've been taking little breaks here and there as well since it's summer and I seem to be enjoying the laid back life. ;) Thanks for hosting us each week!

  6. Thanks, Bri~ It really is. I'm so grateful!

  7. Thanks, Rebecca! I get why you take your time, it's a BIG decision! Usually we already kind of have something in mind, but this time it was unexpected and my husband made the final decision with me supporting him a hundred percent. I'm not too picky about cars- I just always like a color (not white or black), I need good visibility all around and I like a tight steering wheel. He did a great job!


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