Sunday, July 4, 2021

weekending, everything edition

Happy Monday, friends, also known as happy day that will mess up you knowing which day it is for the rest of this week.

It's been a WEEK, y'all. It kind of all wrapped up over the weekend, and I am so glad to be on this side of it now. Let me start chronologically. 

While I was on vacation at the beach a couple of weeks ago, Drew told us he's moving out. It was something we knew he wanted to do, it just came up very quickly and at the last minute. On Tuesday of last week, our dog Crash had his second knee replacement surgery and struggled through the first few days of being back at home. On Thursday night, Jonah wrecked my car in a pretty serious accident involving him spinning several times on the interstate, ending with him facing oncoming traffic from the middle lane. (Praise God he is just fine! Madame Blueberry may not be, but cars are replaceable and we are just so grateful he is okay.) I believe with everything in me that God had angels surrounding him that night, because though there is usually tons of traffic on that leg of the interstate, no cars were around him when he hydroplaned. On Friday night, we finished helping Drew move the rest of his stuff out of our house and into his new one.

See what I mean? 

He hit a concrete wall with the back end of my car, which we were sharing last week because his truck needed to have a couple of things replaced on Saturday. Like I said, he is just fine and I can't stop thanking the Lord for watching over him. Meanwhile, we were able to get a rental car on Friday morning, which I am also grateful for! It's little—a Chevrolet Spark that my dad named Sparky, but it's fun to drive.

Here is Drew's new house! And yes that is me not crying and also that IS a pillow pet that you see on his bed. We took him and Jonah for sushi and fried rice while we were near our favorite sushi place in Memphis.

I enjoyed my lazy Saturday morning routine which involves me drinking coffee while I watch a Hallmark movie, then I went out with my mom for a bit. That night we stayed home to watch the town's fireworks from our driveway and enjoyed leftovers for dinner.

Also, I read all afternoon long on Saturday and it was GLORIOUS. I read a great new book, but I'll share about that later this week.

I was at church bright and early Sunday morning for praise team rehearsal and then back home for lunch. I made nachos out of the taco meat we had leftover. I went to my mom's house and then my family met me out there. We had a great time—we ate barbecue, we had homemade banana ice cream and they blew some things up.

It was a great weekend after a crazy week and I enjoyed all the family time. How was your weekend? I'd love to hear from you! I don't love summer weather, but I do love all the fun summer things that the season brings. This holiday is always so much fun and we love celebrating it with my stepdad—it's definitely his favorite.

Thanks for reading! Love to all. 


  1. I'm so glad your son is okay after the car accident. That is scary and so thankful he was protected. Glad you got some downtime after such a busy week of activities.

    1. Thank you! That kind of thing never gets easier and it's the first serious accident one of our sons has ever been in- some of them have been in fender benders, but this one was a biggie. I just keep praising God for the angels He must have placed around Jonah.

  2. WOW - what a week!! Just one of those would have been "enough" to make a week. But so glad your son was not hurt (or anyone else) in his car accident! Even in the middle of "those weeks" there is always much to praise Him for!! Here's to a week that is a bit calmer! Happy Monday -

    1. Right?! And amen! The Lord is always worth of praise. I am so thankful for His hand of protection on Jonah that night. Have a great week, my friend!

  3. cant wait to hear what book that is
    PRAISE THE LORD your son was ok - that had to be terrifying.

  4. Thank you, Rebecca Jo! I am so very thankful.

  5. Thank you, Rebecca Jo! I am so very thankful.

  6. WOW! Y'all had some kind of week! Things were crazy like that for us when our boys were about the age of yours. Thank God that your son was not injured in the crash. Hope this week will be a little more uneventful!


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