Thursday, July 29, 2021

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday, friends! Each Thursday, Rebecca Jo, Leslie and I co-host a blog link-up party in which we list out the things we're thankful for from that week. We would love for you to join us, so write your own post and link back to us!

Every single time I open up the word of God to study as I begin the process of writing my portion for our next women's Bible study, I am deeply humbled and thankful that I get to do what I do. All of my life, all I ever wanted to be was a stay at home wife and mom, but I worked part time jobs until I started homeschooling our sons. Now that they're all out of school and graduated, I have this extra time on my hands. I use it in several ways, but my favorite way to use it is by writing. Now that I have even more spare time, I plan on trying to write at least three days a week. I have some other ideas rolling around in my brain and I can't wait to implement some of them in the coming months. 

I was feeling particular grateful for this today because the writing team got to be together yesterday. We love meeting! There are five of us that go to my church and we have the most fun when we're together.

I am so thankful for time with our parents. I love that we live in the same (general) town, and that we see each other often. I try to see my in-love's at least once or twice a month, I see my dad every Friday and lots of times in the week, I see my mom twice― once in the week most times, and on Saturdays when I spend the morning with her and my sister Trish.

I don't take any of this for granted! I know how fortunate I am and I thank God for this time with them.

I am thankful for random Tuesdays at this beautiful pool with my sister. Our friend let us swim there since she was out of town this week.

I am thankful that I get the privilege of helping lead worship at our church. We do have a choir, orchestra and praise team, but we've had the summer off and just the praise band and team have been leading in worship along with our worship pastor. I love getting to be a small part of that! I don't take it lightly and spend time preparing for it on the weeks when I'm holding a microphone. I appreciate all the work and effort that goes into this, because it's not easy! I also do this for our women's Bible studies each week on Wednesday mornings.

I am thankful for the million little ways that my husband expresses his love for me. This might be how he fills up my gas tank, compliments me, goes to Costco for emergency coffee runs, or putting in a new car radio for me, one of our sons, or his mom. (As I write this, he is getting ready to do this for his mom tonight. They're coming over so that he can do this and will be joining us for dinner.) I pray I show him that same kind of love that he shows me. I think I do, but I always pray for this.

I am thankful for the little pop up showers we've had this week! They cool the temperature down and the Lord waters my flowers. 

Your turn! Link up with us and share your lists...I can't wait to read them!

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  1. I am also thankful for time to write and study scripture. My youngest son just got married, so the best is really empty now, an offering to God!

  2. I am so thankful that I was able to stay home with the kids. It was really a blessing. That pool is gorgeous! Have a good Thursday!

  3. What a great prompt for a blog post. I am thankful that I found your blog (and a number of other ones) that convict and encourage me. Keep up the good work!

  4. "In-Loves" - I love that! I'd not heard of that before.

    I lost my daddy totally unexpectedly 3 years ago so yes, spend as much time as you can with your parents - that really is a blessing

  5. I enjoyed your thankful post and I just want to say your boys are so cute. I love the picture at the top of the page. You are blessed.

  6. Love this post so much and I really love reading about your writing for Bible studies. As a SAH/homeschooling mom, I sometimes wonder what I will do when my kids are grown and gone. It’s encouraging to see where you are and how you are working for God.

  7. Michele- I wholeheartedly agree! Thank you for stopping by!

  8. Tanya- it has been the greatest blessing of my life, being able to stay home with them and pour into them over those years. I hope you've had a great week!

  9. Thank you for that sweet encouragement, Maria! I'm glad I found you as well and enjoy reading your blog!

  10. Rebecca Jo- isn't that a great name? I love it and have called them that ever since we got married. You are so right! I don't take one moment for granted.

  11. Thank you so much, Cathy! I hope you've had a great week!

  12. Thank you for that, Bri! I agree that it's an exciting time to be in. I waited a long time for these years! I appreciate your sweet words, friend!

  13. What a gorgeous pool. It looks like it is just in the middle of a meadow somewhere. Gorgeous.

    What sweet words about your husband. I am sure you love him as well as he loves you.


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