Monday, July 5, 2021

recent books


I thought I'd share some recent books that I love. I also thought I'd let you know that I am on Good Reads, in case you didn't know that. My Kindle automatically updates my reading profile, so you can always find what I'm reading there. I'm Jennifer Goodwin on there, so find me if you're on there as well!

First up is a new author to me—Kristy Woodson Harvey's Peachtree Bluff series.

Another blogger recommended this book and I was immediately drawn into the story! It's another series about a mom and her three grown daughters and the lives they all live right now. They've all ended up home for the summer and each book is told from one sister's perspective, also laced with chapters from the mom. It was so good that I ordered the second book as soon as I read the last page. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I recently finished Sally Hepworth's latest book The Good Sister and as usual, could barely put it down. I've read all of her books for a few years now and they always surprise me. They're kind of sneaky in that they tend to lean toward the thriller genre, but in a way that shocks you. This book is about two sisters who are close as adults and the book takes you back and forth between them as children and as adults. One chapter will be one sister and the next chapter will be the other sister's journal entry. It was so, so good! I always love Sally Hepworth's books and always recommend them to everyone. I'd definitely give The Good Sister ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐. 

Just a funny tidbit—Sally Hepworth lives in Australia and is one of my Instagram followers. 

Next up was Once Upon A Summer by Melody Carlson. I finished The Good Sister and started this one almost immediately on Saturday and was drawn in from the very first page. 

You know what's great about finding a good book to read? Finding that it's the first in a series. I finished this one and started the second book immediately. I love Melody Carlson books and her genre of Christian fiction is always my favorite. This is a book about a young woman working in a dead end job in her hometown and getting another job offer in NYC. I could relate really well to the main character, so maybe that's why I loved it so much, but the book had major undertones of working diligently and with integrity and I loved the message that was a bit hidden—to glorify God in everything. That may not have been the actual message of the book, but it stood out to me. It's a romance and has a bit of a Hallmark feel to it, which you know I love and because of all of that, I would also give this one ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐. I'm also always generous with those stars.

Today I started the next book in this series, All Summer Long.

I'm on chapter three and once again, she drew me in from the very first page of the book. 

Other authors I love are Debbie Macomber, Kristy Woodson Harvey and Denise Hunter. These seem to be my go-to right now. These are the books I've read in the last couple of weeks. Your turn! Do you have any books or authors that you love? I'd love to hear your suggestions! 

Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. I love your caveat that you are generous with giving out stars :). I will have to check out the Sally Hepworth book- I have heard others say good things about her latest.

    1. Maria- I am, but I truly did love all these books. I hope you found some reading inspiration!


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