Friday, July 9, 2021

Friday Favorites, 7.9.21


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea for this weekly blog post. As you read this, hopefully I am on the road to Nashville for the weekend. We've been waiting for this trip for a while now and we couldn't be more excited to be together if we tried. More about this in just a few minutes, though. 

Here are some of my top favorites from this week.

I can't remember if I've mentioned this on here before, but I have a new favorite body lotion.

I bought mine from Amazon, but you can also purchase it at Target. I shared this information with my Mom on Wednesday, because she was looking for a new lotion to try on her dry skin. I use this everyday and I anticipated loving it so much that I subscribed to it on Amazon and will get a new bottle every three or four months. It's really thick and creamy, but without being greasy. It goes on smoothly and absorbs quickly—most of all, it heals my dry skin. I am dry from my hair all the way to my feet. Best and favorite thing about this lotion? It's super inexpensive. I bought mine for less than $7.

Next up on my list of favorites are these new jeans I bought on Saturday. I was out shopping with Mom and wasn't even looking to purchase anything, but as I was going through the clearance rack, I came across these cropped, whitewashed jeans from my favorite brand of pants—Westbound. If you've not heard of this brand that can be bought from Dillard's (and maybe Macy's), you should check them out. They're stretchy, they're pull on and have flat fronts, but most importantly, they're very affordable. I can buy cheap shirts all the time, but I don't skimp on pants. These were on clearance for $26, which isn't that cheap, but considering I've worn them three times this week, I will definitely be getting my money's worth. These are actually Capri pants, but because I'm so short, they're just a cropped length on me.

As usual, reading has been my favorite thing to do all this week, and this book right above is going down as one of my favorites I've read all year. I love Sally Hepworth's books and preordered her next one that will be delivered to my Kindle on its release date in April of 2022. I shared about my recent reads on Tuesday, so go check it out if you haven't already.

This is one of my newest favorite pictures. They took this Sunday night when they were all hanging out at Drew's new house. He lives right down the road from this Memphis icon of a restaurant. Drew is having this made into a flag that they plan on hanging their living room. His new roommates are Sam (2nd from top left) and Zack (kneeling on the ground, on the right). This is Jonah's truck that he was taking a picture of and they all wanted to hop in for it. 

Last but not least is this very accurate and favorite thing I saw on the interwebs this week. I promptly sent it to Missy and Teresa, the gals I'm going to Nashville with for the weekend. I've discovered in recent years that as I've gotten older, I've become more and more high maintenance. I like what I like and I take everything with me on the off chance that I'll need it while I'm gone. I'll fit it all into one suitcase, but I ALWAYS take extra outfits with me. I hate to be hot and will always change clothes before we go to dinner. Missy can totally relate to me, and T just humors us both.

Well, thanks for reading my blog! I'll see you back here on Monday with an update from our trip. Love to all. 


  1. Hope you have a wonderful time in Nashville!!!! Put those 35 outfits to use - LOL

    I need to try & find that lotion - I like that brand anyways - but coconut oil is always great on the skin.

  2. I am very much like you in the packing department. Why not have options?? I am definitely not a light packer unless I am flying somewhere in which case I usually have to reign in what I bring. Have a great time in Nashville! Looking forward to reading about it when you return.

  3. Rebecca Jo- FIND THE LOTION! It's the best.

  4. Maria- thank you! I'm glad I had extra clothes, it turns out. On Saturday when I got dressed, I wore one of the extra outfits because I wasn't feeling the one I'd planned on. Ha! I proved my own point.


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