Friday, July 2, 2021

Friday Favorites, 7.2.21


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea for this weekly blog post. It's been a good week—a busy, emotional week—but when is life never not those things? More about this in just a few minutes, though.

Both of these images above from the interwebs are my favorites from this week. They both made me laugh out loud and as far as the thighs sticking to plastic chairs and booths, well, I experienced that a lot last week while I was at the beach. 

Speaking of the beach, some of the memories and sights there are my favorite thing to look back on. 

It was the greatest week! Once I came home, it was full steam ahead. Drew has been packing up and going through the stuff in his room all week—eighteen years' worth, to be exact. We've had tons of trash as he prepares to make the final move tonight, with his bed, frame and mattress. Crash (our white and black dog) had his second and final ACL surgery and has been recovering all week, which has been a little rough and it's just been a week. I'll be glad to say so long to this week after today and the fact that it's Friday is good, because they're my favorite. My dad will be here today for lunch and we'll get to catch up all afternoon. It's been two weeks since I've seen him!

New journals are my favorite! I'm almost finished with the one I'm using currently using and this is my next one. I like to buy them at Home Goods.

Scripture writing is also my favorite and this is the July plan from Shannon over at Sweet Blessings. You can go to her blog for a printable version.

Chip's favorite spot to be is in our bed and under the covers. He's not spoiled much.

Here are some other favorite moments from my week:

Having lunch and doing a little shopping with my mom on Tuesday.

Our friends—y'all, we seriously have the best. I'll explain more about this next week, though.

Seeing the relationship that our sons have—I love to see how close they are.

Bible study on Wednesday night was really sweet and so was our fellowship time afterwards at Slim Chickens.

There are so many other things, but I'll end this with that one. 

Thanks for reading my blog! I hope you have a great weekend. Love to all. 


  1. Happy Friday! Stopping by from the Friday Favorites link up. :) Those funnies totally cracked me up! Your beach pics are gorgeous! I can relate to much here - I love a fresh new journal and seeing the close relationship between my children blesses my heart so much too! Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

    1. Hey there, Brenda! Thank you for stopping by and taking a few moments to comment! Aren't those memes hilarious? I can relate to them both so well. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I hope you have a great weekend!

  2. I will be thinking about you today and in the next few weeks. I know today is bittersweet. I have been where you are several times in letting my babies fly away from their nest. We are mamas forever and these times touch us in different ways than men. Your heart will hurt but it will be okay. I love you and will pray for you.

    1. Thank you, Val! I love you and appreciate your prayers. I know you get all of this! ❤️

  3. Those beach photos are gorgeous! I love the palm tree with all the sunset colors behind it.

  4. Love seeing the beach pics! I love a great journal too. Almost done with my current one and can’t wait to start my new one!! I’m going to be doing a Scripture writing challenge for July; excited about it. Our town just opened a Slim Chickens. Never heard of it before but people say it’s great. Have a wonderful weekend!!

    1. Thanks, Bri! We love ours...I love the fried okra. I hope you had a great weekend yourself!


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...