Wednesday, July 7, 2021

currently, July edition


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Anne from in residence for this monthly blog post. Here is what I am currently eating, feeling, going, ordering and realizing


Well, it's summertime, which means I never really want to cook. I get in cooking ruts all the time and am always looking for meal inspiration ideas. That being said, if you have any to throw my way, I'm here for them. Here is what we ate this week—we had barbecue on Sunday night at my moms, on Monday I made French dip sandwiches with au jus dipping sauce, we had chopped steak (hamburger steak?) with mashed potatoes and green beans on Tuesday and on Thursday I hope to have grilled chicken and veggies. My favorite lunches consist of something light, like cheese and crackers (I buy fancy cheese at Kroger), tuna or egg and olive salad. My current favorite snack is gummy bears, because I'm like a twelve year old.


Different and emotional. I keep having moments when I cry as I adapt to being less one son in our home. I don't want to be that mom who can't let go, so I do this in private, but it just keeps sneaking up on me as I'm getting dressed, or as I pray. I bought Drew some things to take home with him tomorrow after he eats dinner here with us, so that helped me to feel a little better. (In case you're new to my blog, my son Drew moved out this weekend. We have four sons and he's the first to fly the nest.)

This was us having sushi at a yummy restaurant near his new house on Friday night. I took this picture, then got all teary eyed and excused myself to the restroom in search of my composure.


On a much lighter note, I am excited about a girlfriend's trip this weekend—we're going to Nashville! I have lots of fun things planned for us to do while we're there and Missy and I are excited to show our friend Teresa all around one of our favorite places. We are hoping to attend the church where Travis Cottrell leads worship on Sunday morning, but realistically, that may or may not happen. The three of us always have so much fun together! We're all pretty pumped.


Books, books and more books, but this time on my Kindle. I also recently ordered several dresses online from Walmart. 

And, as usual, I love to order gifts for people online. All of the boys recently ordered a bunch of flags and lights for their rooms.


I always realize during this part of the summer that even though I don't love the hot weather, I love all the fun things that summer brings. I love the trips everyone gets to take, I love the holidays that we spend with family and friends, I love the fireworks that are so prevalent in the month of July and the days leading up to it, I love the swimming, the lighter meals, the flowers and the sounds of summer. I love it all—so maybe I should stop saying I don't like summer. 🤣

I honestly love something about all of the seasons and I consider myself fortunate to live in a part of the country that I get to experience them all. 

I love to write these so that I can look back on them later. I'd love to hear from you now! What are some of your current answers to these same questions? Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. I agree with you in that I don't love super-hot weather but I do love almost everything else about summer! And I am praying for you as you weather the transition of your oldest leaving home. That's kind of you not to cry in front of him. I imagine you are both excited for him and sad for you and that is a lot to carry.

  2. I just ordered 3 of those dresses too - I still want the greenish color one but its not in my size.
    NASHVILLE - so fun!

  3. Natasha- thank you for your prayers! I think it'll just keep getting a little easier as I get used to not seeing him quite as much. One huge positive is that he hugs me everyday now! He never did before and is not at all touchy feely, but all my sons have been raised to hug family members before they leave. Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have a great rest of the week.

  4. Rebecca Jo- I hope you love them as much as I have! I plan on wearing them this weekend on our girlfriends' trip, because I know it'll be hot and humid. Thanks for stopping by! Have a great evening!

  5. I hope you have a fabulous girl's weekend in Nashville!

  6. How fun to have a girls' trip planned! And bittersweet to have one fly the nest... I'm starting on the opposite side with adding a new boy to the family this summer, and it's wild to think of them getting big enough to go off on their own someday.

  7. You look so cute in that dress! I saw it the other day...and it is just that tad too short on me. Perfect length on you:) Sigh. I'm also planning a girls' getaway - woot woot! I used to do trips - and the planning - a lot more often but it has been a while (since we changed churches actually) and I am super excited about this one!! Will be in August:)

  8. Anne- thank you! I'm excited about going away again for the weekend. I know it's hard to imagine, I wouldn't have been able to either when I was having kids. There are definite pros and cons to having older kids, one being that I can get away like this, but the other being that they're all so grown and independent. It's hard to get us all together much these days, but last night we had pizza for family dinner. That was nice, it had been over a week since we were all here together. I try to stay positive about it all and I especially don't let Drew know that I keep crying over his absence at random times. Ha!

  9. Jennifer- thank you! It is a good thing about being short. I even shrunk one or two of them a bit, but it still hits at a modest length. I'm glad to hear you're planning a trip! How fun and exciting! I can't wait to hear more about this. I keep a running list on my phone of bucket list places to go with girlfriends, also known as places my husband wouldn't be interested in. Have a great weekend!

  10. Eek! I just booked a girls trip to NAshville for October...can hardly wait!

  11. That dress is adorable!! Have fun on your girls trip!

  12. Your family genes are strong. You can tell you are all related. Good looking family. I understand your mamas heart. I didn't have a hard time when my oldest daughter got married, they stayed in our same town...but last august they moved to texas and my heart just broke. I had moments of crying, or just getting teary eyed. They moved back in april which has me happy, but I know i'll be emotional when my youngest moves out. who knows when that will be.

  13. Shelly~ How fun! I know you will have every bit as much fun as we did. You should check out some of the places I listed!

  14. Kristin- that is what everyone says about us, how much we all resemble one another. Thank you! I bet your heart did shatter when they moved. I cannot even imagine! I don't think any of life and parenting grown kids ever gets easier. We just learn to let go and to pray differently. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  15. Erin- thank you! And thank you for stopping by my blog!


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