Wednesday, June 30, 2021

what's up Wednesday, June edition


Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Shay for this blog post.

What we're eating this week:

A little of everything! We had pasta one night, a loaded baked potato bar another night, pizza and also on the menu for the week are grilled chicken and veggies and either hamburgers or tacos. I had a massive trip to the grocery store on Sunday after church, because I was gone all last week.

What I'm reminiscing about:

Oh, you know—just the fun I had while at the beach.

I wrote a whole post about it yesterday, if you're interested in reading about my trip. 

What I'm loving:

Reading on my Kindle. It's so easy for me to pick it up and start reading because I don't have to make sure my light is just right.

What we've been up to:

Going through all the things. We're doing some room rearranging this week because Drew is moving out on Friday night. We've been sorting/purging/organizing since Sunday night. The upstairs kind of feels like a wreck, but I'm leaving it alone because it's going to get worse before it gets better. 

What I'm dreading:

Friday night, when Drew moves out. I know I'm going to cry.

What I'm working on:

Our Bible study that we'll be doing at church in the fall is in the final days before it gets published! We're pushing to finish it all this week, so I'm helping with the editing process. We're studying Esther! I'm really exited about it, the book is so good and the providence of God is such a beautiful thing. I'd love for you to join us if you're local! 

What I'm excited about:

Lots of things! I'm excited for Drew, because it's fun to move out. I'm excited for Jonah and Noah, because they will no longer have to share a bedroom. I'm excited for tonight, because it's Bible study night with Fries & Friends to follow. I'm excited for the weekend, because I love the Fourth of July and fireworks. 

What I'm watching/reading:

I'm loving this new-to-me author! This is the book I'm about to finish, but I've got some great ones lined up. Because I've been reading so much, I'm not watching anything new. Well, binge watching, that is. I'm always watching Gilmore Girls, Grey's Anatomy, The Pioneer Woman and lots of short half hour shows on The Discovery Network and the Magnolia Network. I don't count those, though.

What I'm listening to:

All the summer playlists! 

What I'm wearing:

This dress on repeat, because it's cool and breezy! I get so hot in the summer. I bought FIVE of these at Walmart! Two came from the store and I ordered three more online that were different colors.

What I'm doing this weekend:

Helping Drew on Friday night, if he wants our help. I'll probably spend Saturday either with my mom and sister, or I'll be staying home if Noah needs lots of help moving into his new bedroom. I have church on Sunday and I'm singing on the praise team, which means I'll be there bright and early.

What I'm looking forward to next month:

I have an upcoming girlfriends trip that I cannot wait for! We're going to Nashville for the weekend on July 9. Missy, Teresa and I are going together for two night and we're all so excited about doing fun, new things and swimming at the hotel at night.

What else is new:

Here's the new Scripture writing plan for July that Shannon from Sweet Blessings put out! Want to join me? I'd love for you to do this alongside me.

Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. OK - so much to comment on here.
    Firstof all, I've had that dress in my cart from Walmart - I'm getting it - it looks SO DARN CUTE on you!!!!
    So is someone you know writing that Bible study? That's exciting. I did a study one time on Esther & loved it - is this one going to be for sale for everyone?
    I remember when I moved out when I was 18 to my first apartment. My parents cried but told me its good to get out on my own. I think I came home every night for dinner for the next month - HAHA Hang in there momma!

  2. Rebecca Jo- Thank you! I love this dress. I hope you love it as much as me!

    I should have clarified and forget all the time that people don't know that I'm on a writing team at my church and we write the Bible studies for the women in our church to participate in each semester. There are five of us and we've written on Malachi, Galatians (those both were just one writer), Hosea, Philippians and now Esther. Hopefully we'll be writing for our Spring one soon and we alternate between the old and new testaments. It's exciting! Our next one for the Spring of 2022 will be able to be purchased on Amazon, but for this one you can contact our church and make the purchase and they'll ship it anywhere. It won't be available until about the second week of August.

    That's so funny that you were home every night for dinner! I do expect him to do that same thing for his first couple of months while he transitions from his current job to one closer to his new house, so I'm glad for that. It'll help ease me into this new phase! Thanks for that encouragement. ;) And thanks for stopping by!

  3. A girlfriends' trip to Nashville sounds like so much fun!!

  4. Good luck to you and your son. A girls trip to Nashville sounds wonderful. Have a blessed day that brings you joy.

  5. I hope you have a fabulous time on your Nashville trip! I don't remember if my mom cried when I moved out (probably just not in front of me) but I still called and stopped by so much. I hope the move goes well.

  6. Brianne- Hey there! It does, doesn't it? I'm really excited about this. Covid and money have prohibited us from going, so we are all very excited. The two going with me really need this little getaway because their lives are so stressful right now. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Joanne- I know I cried when I moved out of my mom's house. So did she! I'm sure she cried even more when I wasn't around. Thank you so much! Tonight's his last night here.

  8. Oh, I hope your mama heart is doing okay with your son moving out. That must be hard. And I'm off to read about your beach vacation. We had a beach day today but I could use a few more of them in a row!!!


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Share 4 Somethings

  Happy Saturday, friends! I'm so glad you're here to join in with us for this month's Share 4 Somethings, where we'll talk ...