Monday, June 28, 2021



Happy Monday, friends! Here is a little of what my weekend looked like, after I returned home Friday night from a week spent at the beach with friends. It was a good weekend! I had thought I'd have a productive day on Saturday, but I was tired from the drive on Friday and got nothing accomplished, except for laundry.

I got home around six that night and shortly after I unloaded my things from the car, Todd came home with sushi. I'd given him my order when I was about an hour out of Collierville. Our current favorite sushi place is Fiji Café, where I order the spicy crawfish roll. It was SO GOOD.

I caught up on social media and uploaded a few pictures of my week away, but this made me laugh out loud and I texted it to the ladies I'd been with all week. I actually experienced this as I wore dresses at the beach last week! 

I did all the laundry and then Todd and I left for a double date with our friends Missy and Jeff. We ate dinner at Huey's and then we went to the Celebrate America production at our old church. We saw my dad and stepmom there and a lot of our old friends. I got this picture below of my dad when he stood up as they paid tribute to service members. Jeff stood up as well—he was in the Army and my dad was in the Navy.

Missy and Todd proceeded to misbehave for the next hour as we sat there and watched. It was so good! It hasn't changed that much from when I went to church there and sang in the choir. 

We had such a great service at our church yesterday! The worship was good, the preaching was good and I felt so thankful to be back there after missing last week. I listened to last week's sermon this morning before I left for church to get caught up in the series my pastor and the student pastor are doing all summer.

I went to choir practice in the afternoon and then said goodbye to my choir friends for the next month, since we're on summer break, then I ended the night by making dinner for all the people in our home. After dinner we all went up to Drew's room to be entertained while he and I went through things before he moves out next weekend. I only cried twice. 

It was a great weekend! How was yours? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, love to all. 

I'm linking up with Tanya for this post.


  1. That must have been so sentimental to go through your son's room before he moves out! Not looking forward to that day...ha, ha! Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

    1. Gahhhh! I kept having to walk out. 🤣 I am such an emotional sap. Thanks for hosting us each week!

  2. Wow what a huge church! Ours up here are nowhere near that size.

    1. Hey, Joanne! It is huge, isn't it? I love a balcony. We are reaoundly within the Bible belt, so big churches here are the norm. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Glad you had a great beach trip and sounds like it will be a sentimental week!

    1. Thanks, Marilyn! know it. I'll make it, I just don't necessarily look forward to it. I am so emotional!


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