Sunday, June 6, 2021

weekending and the week ahead


Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a great weekend! Mine was really good and it went by way too fast. Here are a few things I did over the weekend.

On Friday night, some friends and I went to an escape room! It was so much fun and though I never would have picked that for something to do with friends, I am so glad they did! It was way more fun than I imagined, and even if we didn't escape in time, we did solve the mystery. We're counting that as a win. 🤣

On the top row from the left are Carol, Barbee, Missy, Teresa, me and Kristy. We were celebrating Misys's birthday. 

We had such a great time! After that we went to dinner at a place here in Memphis in a cool area called Overton Square—Belly Acres. We ate, we talked, we laughed until we almost cried, then we walked around for a few minutes to take some more pictures.

I would love to do a repeat of this night with our husbands. I definitely think the six of us should go out again and do something else. There is nothing quite like the gift of godly friendship. I am so grateful for the women I have in my life. 

On Saturday, I went out with my mom. We usually have my sister Trish with us, but she wasn't able to come and we missed her! As a result, we got hot really quick and weren't out for long. We went to the library, to lunch, then to one other store and called it quits. It was BRUTAL outside on Saturday and both Mom and I were both getting headaches. 

I came home to try to sleep mine off for a little bit, then I finished the book I'd been reading and we had an easy night at home. Todd had some training on Saturday and repelled down this wall!

He said it was so much fun. He loves things like that, meanwhile, I am terrified of heights. Opposites really do attract.

That night after dinner, I painted my fingernails and let them dry, did some laundry for Drew and Noah, then went to bed.

On Sunday morning Drew and Noah left with their friends to spend the week at the beach! They left around 7:30 this morning and made it there by 2:30 or 3. Noah drove the whole way because of Drew's foot being in a boot and I let them have my car. It's them and four of their friends.

Todd and I were at church bright and early this morning, then back home by lunch. I got another really bad headache and ended up skipping choir because of it and got comfy for a nap. I did feel better by the time I woke up. I don't always get headaches, but Todd and I both had one yesterday because of the rain that was coming in.

This is a busy week! My sister and brother (and his wife and son) are in town for a few days, so we are going over to Dad's for dinner tonight. Hopefully Graham will be able to pick up his truck after dinner, because he and Jonah are leaving around eleven p.m. Tuesday night. Please help me pray that Graham's truck will be ready and that he doesn't have any issues with it in Daytona Beach while they're there! I'm always a little iffy about his truck and it's not super reliable. I'd appreciate if you would pray with me about that. 

I'm supposed to swim with my mom-in-love on Tuesday, but the weather isn't looking too promising. That night, Todd and I are going to a dinner for the sheriff's department and then Graham and Jonah are leaving later that night. I'll probably go to my dad's again Wednesday and then I have plans that night. Thursday is wide open so far, but the next day me and a couple of friends are going to Nashville for the day. We plan on leaving early and being back home late. I can't wait! Like I said—the week is going to fly by, but it's one I am looking forward to once again. Drew and Noah will be home Saturday night, and Graham and Jonah return on Monday night.

Have I mentioned what a weird phase of life this is? Especially with all of us traveling individually. I am adjusting, but I still have moments when it doesn't seem real. I have a trip of my own coming up in June that was very unexpected—but I'm excited! I'm going to the beach for a few days with a friend who invited me. Hopefully the other friends she invited will be able to join us, but even if it's just me going, I'm excited and driving there alone isn't an issue for me. I never go to the beach and I can get on board with sitting and reading a book while I listen to the ocean. I'm grateful that she invited us to join her at her house! 

So how was your weekend? I'd love to hear from you! Thank you for reading my blog and for those of you who are always so sweet to leave a comment—I appreciate that! Comments to a blogger are like words of affirmation to a tired and busy mom. Love to all. 

I'm linking up with Tanya for this blog post. 


  1. You do have a busy week ahead. Enjoy all your planned activities especially the trips out of town. Have a blessed day!

  2. The pic from the top of the wall makes me queasy!
    I will pray for Graham as he travels.
    Wondering what color u painted your nails��
    And yes, in agreement about godly friendships:)

  3. We went to an escape room once and almost lost because we could not remember how to open a combination lock with the whole turn this way, past the number once, back around aspect... but we did it! Barely.

  4. kd901- It makes me queasy too! I am terrified of heights. I'd never repel if my life depended on it...well maybe I would, but only in that case. I almost took a picture of my nails, but I thought to myself- who cares about the color? Ha! It's called Rice Rice Baby, and it's by OPI. It's a very neutral pink, but I'm changing it again today. Have a great day!

  5. Joanne- that's funny! I will say one of these locks looked funny to me. I wasn't the one in charge of it though, so I'm glad!

  6. What fun at the escape room! Our family did that once and it was more fun than I had expected it to be. Such a unique experience to work together in a short amount of time. Enjoy your day trip and hope the rain escapes you. I see the sun shining for a brief moment now :)


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