Sunday, June 27, 2021

Four Somethings- June


I cannot believe it's already time for this blog post! June has gone by so incredibly fast, just like most of my days do, honestly. That being said, I am linking up with Heather for this monthly blog post, in which I share about some special things from each month. 

Something loved:

My husband bought me this Kindle during Amazon Prime day last week. I love reading on it right now and love the convenience and light that it brings to my eyes. I have such a hard time seeing certain prints in the books I read and I don't always have a good light above me, so this solves both of these issues. It's lightweight, it's the paperwhite version with zero glare and it's easy to maneuver and the "pages" are easy to "turn". I'm halfway through my first book on it and so far I am loving it, even if I am old fashioned and prefer actual books. 

Something read:

Thanks to another blogger and a post of book recommendations, I am new to Kristy Woodson Harvey's books, but I am loving this one! I purchased this for my Kindle to read while I was at the beach last week and am about halfway through it. I didn't read all that much except for in the afternoons while I waited on my hair to dry and I would fall asleep after a couple of chapters.

Something treasured:

Time away at the beach with godly friends! Last week was amazing and wonderful. I'll write about this tomorrow, so come back and check it out! 

Something ahead:

This is my middle son, Drew. We spent a couple of hours in his room tonight after dinner, talking to him while he went through drawers and stacks of papers before he moves out next weekend. My husband told me how proud he was of me for not crying tonight while we did this, but he evidently didn't see me walk away a few times because of the tears that were threatening to fall. I don't love change and this one's a big one. I'm already dreading Saturday, but more than that, I am so excited for him. My late friend Kari would be so happy to know that he and her son Zack are good friends again and that they'll be roommates. 

I'm such a softie! Don't mind me if you see or hear of me out and about and crying this week. I'll be fine. 

Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. I'm happy to be linked up next to you at Share Four Somethings this month, Jennifer. It's always good to "meet" another curly girl who also has to wait for her hair to dry. :-) (I live in Kansas and the humidity has NOT been helping the looks of my hair lately!) I'm glad you were able to get away last week and have time with friends and that new Kindle. :-)

    1. Hey there, Lois! It's nice to "meet" you and thank you for stopping by! I feel your humidity woes, my friend- this heat is insane! I end up with my hair up most days, because who cares?! 🤣 It's survival at this point. Thanks again, I look forward to reading your blog!

  2. I'm glad you're enjoying your new kindle. I like physical books, but kindles make it so much easier to read when traveling.

    1. Hey there! Thank you for stopping by to read my blog! I am a physical book girl too, but this Kindle sure is easier on my tired eyes! I never thought I'd love it so much and of course my hubby was thrilled to buy me something electronic for a gift! 🤣 I hope you have a great week- I look forward to reading your blog!

  3. A son moving out. Oh my. How exciting (for Drew) and what a heart-wrencher! Praying for all of you!! Look forward to hearing about your fun trip!!

    1. Hey there, my friend! I know! I mean, in the grand scheme of life, this is no big deal, but I am so emotional about EVERYTHING. 🙄 I am rolling my eyes at myself. I am so thrilled for him, though! I pray my older son is able to make a move soon as well, I know he is so ready to be a homeowner, it's just not a great time to be buying a house. Thank you for the well wishes! Come back tomorrow and you can read all about my trip! ❤️

  4. I have heard great things about the new kindles, but I too prefer the feel of an actual book in my hand! Hope you are doing well after the move!


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