Monday, May 3, 2021



I'm linking up with Tanya from The Other Side of the Road for this blogpost. It was a good weekend, but pretty uneventful for me at least. I was glad, because next weekend will be busy with graduation and activities to follow. 

I spent Friday with my dad and after I took him home, I came home and reheated some pasta we had leftover from the night before. I think I spend a solid hour and a half looking for a movie to watch, but I never really committed to either one and stopped them both. I finally gave up and went to bed and watched old episodes of Grey's Anatomy. My husband and oldest son helped setup for a youth event taking place the next day, so they were gone and the others were out with friends. Saturday was more of the same, but I thought I'd share some pictures from around the front of our house.

The only ones I know the names of are this fern right above and the hydrangeas. We've lived in our home for seventeen and a half years and in all those years, the only flower beds were very narrow in front of the house and they held boxwoods. When we made all the repairs on our home last year, we decided to make the flower beds pop and we had them extended to make them larger and then we had them professionally done. We are so very pleased with what we see blooming. Our requests were that we wanted something uniform and simple and very low maintenance. We're not the gardening type of people and we needed very specific plants and bushes in these beds because they NEVER get sun. Or at least very, very little. All of that was a little overwhelming to us, but our friend's company did a great job. 

Can anyone else to relate to this? I know I can!

I made this little collage yesterday and could just cry. I blinked and they all grew up.

I loved this that I saw on Instagram Saturday—it's so true! Praying for our kids, especially the adult ones, is the greatest thing we could ever do for them, aside from teaching them about Jesus. THAT is the best thing, the praying for them comes second only to that. 

I spent Sunday at church, where they honored the seniors and I have to say once again how thankful I am for our church family. They always do such a great job with this and each senior received a Bible! I love that. 

Todd and I were at home together (finally) Sunday night and we watched The Voice and I read my book. It was a good weekend! I'm glad for the rest I had because this one coming up will be a whirlwind. Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. Those plants look great! Sounds like a restful, good weekend. Enjoy your day!

  2. Your yard looks so nice. It was well worth the effort to expand those flower beds and have them professionally done. Have a wonderful week, friend! Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

    1. Thanks, Tanya! We are so pleased with how they turned out. It made a huge difference in the curb appeal. ❤️

  3. Isn't church family one of our greatest blessings!!?! I so agree. Love your family photos! And hydrangeas make me swoon - just sayin:)

    1. Jennifer- YES! I agree wholeheartedly. Thank you!

  4. Your gardens are lovely. I am not one for gardening either though I did spend some time in our today still raking out dead leaves from the fall and winter that always seem to clutter up our beds.

    1. Thanks, Joanne! We don't have trees in our front yard, so we have nothing to clean up. We'll just keep an eye on the weeds.


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