Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Tuesday- a few random things I haven't mentioned recently


Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd share a few things I may not have mentioned on the blog lately. 

First up is mother's day—

For my own mother's day, all I wanted to do was to come home from church, eat leftovers and take a long nap. It was rainy on this day, so it was perfect in every way. I did all of of that and I was so glad! I was seriously exhausted by noon that day. I didn't see my mom or my mom-in-love on the day of, but we had seen them both the day before and sent them home with potted flowers to hang outside. I am so thankful for both of these pretty ladies! 

Below are some pictures and proof as to why we still love our deck that was built during the lockdown of 2020. We love to use it for get togethers and we had a big one on Saturday night in honor of Jonah and Noah. All of our parents were here along with my sister, my best friend and her husband and Jonah's and Noah's closest friends. I wish I had gotten a picture, but there must have been at least twenty young men here, plus all of mine.

We love to sit out there at night when the weather has cooled off. We did that on Saturday night after most everyone had left, and we may do it again tonight. The weather here this week is so perfect and in the upper sixties or lower seventies most everyday. We have a tv that stays out there in the warmer months. 

Anybody else? I love texting things like this to my friends. We have a thread that just goes almost continually. 

Well, I need to get started on my day. Thanks for reading! Love to all. 


  1. I'm always sending that kind of text! Pretty sure most of my friends and family think I'm a nut...but that's ok:) I would live on that deck...so pretty, homey and inviting! Glad you were able to spend Mother's Day exactly as you wanted!! Here's to a great week ahead!

  2. Jennifer- I know we would be real life friends for that reason alone! You are my kind of people. ;) We love it out there and go out as often as possible, as long as the weather is cooperative! Unfortunately when the hot, hot weather gets here, it gets kinda buggy, so we don't sit out there as much. Thanks- have a great week!


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...