Wednesday, April 28, 2021

What's Up Wednesday


Happy Wednesday, friends! I took another unintentional break from this old blog partly because I've been busy in the mornings and also because I've been lazy at night and didn't write posts at night. I almost always do that these days and then schedule them to appear the next day or in a few days, or whenever. It's nice, but it takes extra thought and that's where I've been lacking. 

I thought a link-up would be a fun place to jump back in this week, so I'm linking up with Shay and her friend Shaeffer for this post.

What we're eating this week:

I always seem to be in a dinner rut. I made chicken and rice soup Monday night, we had tacos/nachos last night, tonight is on your own night or leftover night because I have church, tomorrow night I'm making pasta with salad and bread, and Friday night is still undecided. I usually eat the leftovers on the weekend nights because most of the time I'm here alone. (I'm not complaining.)

What I'm reminiscing about:

I keep going through ALL THE PICTURES of these two. I'm in denial that they're graduating from high school! It doesn't even seem possible.

What I'm loving:

These days. I'm soaking them all in, while everyone still lives here. We have a revolving door of friends of my sons who come and go at all hours of the day and I know when they start moving out soon that I will miss the Ring doorbell notifications that blow up my phone all the livelong day. And yes, I said that in a funny way, but I'm not kidding.

What we've been up to:

Coming and going! Everyone works, everyone makes their own plans, I'm just here cooking for the people who may or may not be here and just trying to keep up. Lately, I've been on the hunt for one extra graduation ticket. We've never had tickets for our homeschool graduations, but thanks to the dreaded C word that has changed everything, they have to issue tickets now and each family only receives ten. If you do the math, you'll come to the conclusion that for the remaining four of us and the six grandparents we have equals ten, and I was desperately searching for ONE MORE. My friend Angela had one to spare for me, so I met with her last night and picked it up. It was also really sweet getting to catch up with her and another friend that came to the church where they were meeting for a few minutes. We used to be in Bible study together.

What I'm dreading:

I can't really think of anyone thing other just the really hot and humid days of summer, but my mom-in-love gave me the BEST news today and that is that her neighborhood pool is opening in just one month! I cannot wait to resume our weekly swims together!

What I'm working on:

I'm finishing up the writing portion that I am responsible for on our next Bible study at church. We're studying Esther starting in the fall of this year and I can't wait! I am finishing up this week and over the weekend and we have meetings next week to go over it all. I'd love your prayers for the five of us, regarding this! My other friends and writing team members are Amy, Barbee, Dedee and Lynn. 

What I'm excited about:

I'm dreaming of summer, even though I don't love the hot and humid weather. I cannot wait to swim and read beachy books, I've got a weekend trip with best friends planned for early in June, I always love finding a show to binge watch over the summer, and I love having no schedule that is set in stone. Also, I'm in a new phase of life and am retiring my homeschool mom status with the impending graduation of Jonah and Noah. 

What I'm watching/reading:

I just got to the final season of One Tree Hill, which is all I've been watching lately, but I also love Home Town on HGTV and am starting Rock the Block when this season of Hometown is over. (I have two episodes left.) I'm finishing up my book on prayer and I started reading my favorite series of books again. I love to do that every year—each year, I pick a favorite series and read them from start to finish all over again. 

What I'm listening to:

This album by CeCe Winans is my current favorite thing right now. 

I also love all the Revive Our Hearts podcast and have been listening to that each day and a few other podcasts. My other favorite right now is by Jennie Allen. 

What I'm wearing:

Ugh. Moving right along. I go through phases where I hate everything I own and I'm in the throes of that right this moment. I must have tried on everything I owned on Sunday before I just gave up and wore my favorite new shirt again.

What I'm doing this weekend:

Probably the same as usual—my husband will probably work some (or a lot) and I'll hang out here at home. I never mind this! I have no idea what I'll do Saturday, because my mom and sister usually go out, but Mom will be in Denver seeing our other sisters. Church is on Sunday! 

What I'm looking forward to in May:

My youngest sons graduate! A week after they graduate, they're going to the beach with their friends. 

What else is new:

I think I've covered everything! 

Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. I am so hoping our pool opens up this summer so that we can enjoy some swimming days with friends. The pool life just makes summer better :)

  2. Natasha- I hope it opens for you too! My summer was not at all the same last year because I only got to swim TWICE. It was so sad. Thanks for stopping by!


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