Monday, April 12, 2021



Happy Monday, friends! I am linking up with Tanya today for this blog post. 

My weekend was really good! I got it kicked off with my dad, as usual. We ate a good lunch and then we went shopping. One of the graduation gifts Dad and Sandy give to their graduating grandchildren are navy blue blazers. We went to a couple of stores and found one for Jonah, then they went back Saturday and found one for Noah. We haven't ever really done any shopping together like that, up until just this past Christmas. I'll take all the moments I can get. 

Friday night, my hubby and I went on a little date night. We were going to eat Mexican food but settled for Chinese instead. It was delicious! We came home quickly to beat the rain that was heading our way and watched a terribly cheesy movie on Netflix—Thunder Force. It did have some parts that were funny, but otherwise it wasn't that great. 

I slept in a bit on Saturday and then watched a really good Hallmark movie. Because of that when I went to have my quiet time, people were starting to wake up, so I spent time reading in my Bible, then went and did a bit of laundry, got dressed and left my house. I never got the chance to pray, so I went and parked in a corner parking spot at my church that faced a pretty green area, and sat there and prayed. It had rained that morning, but the sun was shining, a breeze was blowing and it was cooler in temperature. I loved that time that I was able to spend there and it also helped me to pray for the service today and for the pastors and staff. Here is a picture I took—

I feel so fortunate to attend this church. Our Pastor is the very best of the best and I love his heart. He is also just a great and approachable man and even my sons all love him. I'm so thankful for him! I live right by our church, so when I leave and go somewhere on Saturdays, I always see his truck there for most of that day. I always take that time to pray for him, when I drive by and see him there.

I went to Walmart for a few things, then came home and stayed put the rest of the day. I watched tv, all the people in my house left and it was like that until I went to bed around eleven. Graham and Drew went to Starkville, Mississippi  to see some friends for that night and came back home on Sunday.

These pictures above were while I was outside with the pups. It was a beautiful night.

And Sunday Todd and I were at church bright and early. He had to go do a couple of things afterward, but I came home to take care of the dogs. I had choir practice at three, then came home and ate a very simple and delicious dinner of scrambled eggs and cheese toast. 

All in all, it was a great weekend. How was yours? I'd love to hear from you! Thanks for reading my blog, friends. Love to all. 


  1. Sounds like a very restful weekend! Ours was good, too--just the right blend of productivity and down time.

  2. It really was, Michele, and yours sounds equally as lovely! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. My husband and I watched Thunder Force too and while it did make me laugh I too thought it was kind of cheesy.

  4. Joanne- I almost lost my dinner when she ate the raw chicken! Ugh. There were definitely some funny parts, but my husband hated it. Lol

  5. Sounds like a wonderful's to a week ahead that is just as sweet:)

  6. Thanks, Jennifer! I hope the same for you!

  7. What a wonderful thing to have a pastor leading you and your church family well. And how nice that you live close to your church. Sounds like you had a nice weekend. Enjoyed hearing about it, Jennifer.


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