Friday, April 30, 2021

Friday Favorites, 4.30.21


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals for this weekly blog post. 

It's been a good week, but it has FLOWN by. That's not necessarily a bad thing, it just means that the days are going really fast and before I know it, Jonah's and Noah's graduation will have approached. 

Speaking of them, these pictures are my new favorites. I'm a horrible senior mom and was reminded for the second time by the same person that I needed to send pictures for two different events that honor the graduates in our church. Insert emoji with palm over face here. I was so thankful she reminded me those two times! I'd have forgotten, obviously.

I mean, shouldn't they still look like this?!

One thing I know—babies don't keep.

Moving on now—Scripture writing is one of my favorite parts of my quiet time each day. 

I am so grateful for Shannon from Sweet Blessings for posting these plans each month. May's is a great theme. Want to join me? Writing the verses out really helps hide God's Word in your heart. I've been doing this for at least the last four or five years and I have journals filled with Scripture.

I've had some really sweet times with Jesus this week. That is my favorite thing in all of the world. I love waking up early and waking up with a first cup of coffee, but each morning around seven fifteen, I start praying and just talking to Jesus. The things I pray for each day change, but He leads me in these moments and I feel like it's Psalm 23 come to life—He leads me beside quiet waters and He renews my life. These moments are precious to me and sometimes almost an hour will have gone right by. 

Speaking of talking to Jesus, have you heard this song? I'd post a snippet of the video, but the embedded links from YouTube haven't been working the last times I've tried. When you're finished with this blog, go watch that video. It's my current favorite song, but I can't listen to it without tearing up. My greatest desire for all of my sons, their future wives and children (Lord willing) is that they would walk very closely with the Lord and love Him with all their hearts and serve Him all the days of their lives. If that's the only thing they ever accomplish in life, it would be enough.

Here are a couple more favorites that I've been listening to all week—this new album by CeCe Winans and the Revive Our Hearts podcast. 

I'll wrap this post up with this last picture. If you know me at all, you know books are my favorite. My friend Dedee recommended this book and while we were away on our writing retreat in the mountains, I ordered it from Thrift Books. It came yesterday and I love it! It's called Morning and Evening because there is a short devotional for that time of day each day. The book is heavy and thick, needless to say, but I love keeping books like this around to use as part of my quiet time sometimes. 

I will say this though, about devotionals—while there isn't anything wrong with using a devotional, that should never be the only thing you read in your quiet time with the Lord. The Bible should be what you use the most, so don't just read a verse or two from a book like this and then let that be all you read from the Word of God that day. Read your Bible first, then supplement with this. As far as reading along in the Bible, you should always have a plan that you're sticking to for accountability. I pray that encourages you.

Other favorite moments from my week—

Wednesday night church is SO GOOD. I will be so sad when this class ends. 

Fries and Friends follows Wednesday night church and that is my favorite. I'm so thankful for Godly friends!

Receiving great news from a friend about her son's upcoming marriage was one of my favorite moments from the week.

Hearing from our old neighbors and dear friends was a favorite moment from the week. 

Thanks for reading my blog, friends! I hope you have a great weekend. Love to all. 


  1. Another full week! And great photos.... good-looking seniors, to be sure!!:) Here's to another "full to brim with blessings" kind of week ahead - as we start May. What?!? Wow:)

  2. Thank you~ I am looking forward to this week! I'm treasuring up all the memories and moments. Have a great week, Jennifer!


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...