Friday, April 23, 2021

Friday Favorites, 4.23.21


Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals for this blog post.

It's been a good week, one that has gone by pretty fast. I've been equally productive and lazy, so there's that and I am not feeling very motivated to do things in my house, which is really terrible. I'm not quite sure how to get over this feeling of not being motivated, so I'm praying the Lord helps me through this. I know it's not a big deal, but I really need to do some things around here that I keep putting off. 

Anyway, on with this blog post. I'll start with last Friday.

Being out of town with and getting to know these sweet ladies was one of my favorite moments ever. We were minus one, but we make up the writing team for our church and we write Bible studies together. We're currently working on our third one, on the book of Esther. We have written on Hosea and Philippians as well. 

I mentioned this on yesterday's post, but going to church on Sunday is my favorite. I love being able to be there in person and participating in the worship and listening to a great sermon. Does anyone else love taking notes in church?! It's my favorite! I pay better attention when I keep up with our Pastor by taking notes and because I love to write, those skills have always been easy for me. 

I'm currently reading about four books and I keep switching them up. This one pictured above is the first in my favorite series of all time, The Yada Yada Prayer Group series by Neta Jackson. I like to take a favorite series and re-read it every year and this was my pick for 2021. There are a bunch to follow after this one, so I'll keep going until I reach the end! 

This was one of my favorite days of reading in the Bible this week. I love the story of Joshua and how he led the Israelites over in the Promised Land. 

I'm also reading in the book of John, which is another favorite book in the Bible. 

I don't have pictures for the rest of these, but other favorites include seeing my mom this week and spending part of the day with her, then going out to dinner last night with one of my best friends, Andrea. We never run out of things to catch up on and the end of our time ended on a very personal note, which I'm glad for, so that we can pray for each other. In a moment of vulnerability, I just started talking and we both got really transparent with each other. I rarely get like that with anyone, but I am glad I did. It felt good and I know she will be faithful to pray, as will I. 

And on that note, I will end with this statement about prayer—prayer is very important in the life of a believer. I have been known to fly through prayer or skip it all together some mornings when I'm in a hurry, but the Lord has really been showing me more about the importance of it through His Word and through the book that I'm reading (one of the four I'm currently in the middle of). I used to have a prayer partner and we met every week to pray in our church's prayer room. I always loved those days when we would meet, but in the years since she has married and started her family and we rarely even see one another these days, thanks especially to the dreaded c-word that shut everything down. Also, she is in a busy season of life, which I fully remember and understand, so it's not practical for us to meet right now to pray. 

I say all that to say that I'm in search of a prayer partner again. Ideally it would be someone very near to me that we could meet regularly to do this. I'm going to start faithfully praying for the Lord to bring me someone. Have you ever prayed with anyone like this on a regular basis? My friend Denise is the one who showed me the importance of this and I've missed out on this for the last few years! When you pray with someone, you very quickly grow close to them because you're letting them into the very deep and private recesses of your heart. I will say that if you want this kind of thing as well, that prayer partners should always be the same sex. You should also look for someone reputable, meaning not a gossip. You have to feel comfortable enough with them to share very private things that you wouldn't necessarily want anyone else to hear. It should also be someone who is serious about praying and when you meet. While you need to take a few minutes to share with each other, you need to be about the business of prayer.

I'd love if you'd help me pray that I find someone to pray with weekly again. Prayer is something I am very passionate about and have been for years—I've just been lazy about it lately, thanks to Satan being good at his job. I was one in a group who started up our mom's prayer group in some of our local schools, because a teacher friend there lost two of her sons in one day and we all gathered in the back parking lot one day to pray for her. Thus, Mom's In Touch (or Mom's In Prayer) was formed at that local elementary school and also at the middle school. A group of us met every Monday morning in someone's home and for two hours, we would pray and then write cards for who we prayed for and make little goodie bags for them to take up to the schools to let them know we had prayed for them.

Well, speaking of prayer, I need to go do that now, so I will wrap up this post. Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all.  


  1. Will definitely join you in prayer - that God will send you the perfect prayer partner. No doubt a prayer He will delight in answering!!


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Friday Favorites, 3.28.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! It's my favorite day of the week, and I am excited for my weekend. How's your week been? I had what felt li...