Friday, April 2, 2021

Friday Favorites 4.2.21


Happy Friday! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for this blog post.

It was a great week! I feel like it was a week of freedom, because I didn't have many commitments. On Monday, we celebrated my dad's birthday. I love this picture of us on the morning after I got married. We met all our parents for brunch and they sent us off on our honeymoon. 

It's crazy to think that Dad is 90! He looks great for his age.

We had a wonderful night of celebrating him, complete with a Zoom call with our other siblings who live out of town, Paul and Terri. 

You know birthday celebrations are my FAVORITE.

On Tuesday I spent the day with Mom. She and I had been out one day last week and we both had tops to return, so we did that and ate lunch at one of our favorite places—Jason's Deli. We both love their salad bar and those little pumpernickel muffins. 

Wednesday found me at home all day long with nothing to do but laundry and putting my house in order. I was so lazy and watched tv most of the day. That is one of my favorite ways to recuperate from a busy day. #sorrynotsorry

That night we had a special choir rehearsal for Resurrection Sunday and it felt so good and normal!

We had almost seventy singers! These times are my favorite. 

Yesterday was a favorite day because I was able to have a really great quiet time, then I spent the rest of the morning writing on our next Bible study that we'll take next fall. 

I didn't a ton accomplished, but I got SOME accomplished and that makes me feel good and confident that I am at least moving forward. 

On a lighter note, my new favorite Instagram account is this one above. You should go check it out! Prepare to smile and want a Golden Retriever.

My last favorite is my Drewby. He turns 21 on Saturday! He and Graham and a couple of friends are going to Nashville to celebrate this weekend. They'll come back home on Sunday afternoon and we'll have a yummy dinner that night to celebrate Drew. 

This will also be in lieu of a special Sunday dinner...this is a long day of ministry for us, so we are going to want to come home and relax after church. That frees up Jonah and Noah to hang out with friends that day, too, so we're looking forward to an easy day after we're done with the church services. There are always two on this day and we have to be present in both. 

This is my favorite holiday to celebrate in church. It's always such a sweet day of worship and I am always moved by the meaning of the week leading up to Sunday. If you haven't lately, you should consider taking the time to read in the Gospels the events leading up to the resurrection of Jesus. It should deeply move you! This is if you know Jesus as your Savior...if you don't, then it's just another meaningless holiday. I'd love to talk more about how you can have a relationship with Jesus if you don't already, so if that's you, reach out! My email address is

Well, thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. What a beautiful week, Jennifer! Happy 90th to your dad; he looks amazing! Your church is huge; it looks like a wonderful place. Happy Resurrection weekend, and happy 21st to your boy.

    1. Thank you, Bri! It was a really great week. Happy Resurrection Sunday to you and your family!


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  Happy Monday, friends! I am trying to do better this week by writing this post as I go along in my weekend. I completely forgot about this...