Wednesday, April 7, 2021

"currently", 4.7.21


Good morning, friends! I'm linking up with Anne from in residence today for this blog post.

Here is what I am currently arranging, craving, discussing, enjoying and preparing. 

Arranging—if you know me at all, you know how much I love to make our home look warm and inviting. I love to decorate and remember loving going with my mom when she used to decorate other people's homes. I remember being fascinated by Mom's talent for this. I do believe this kind of thing is handed down through family lines and three of my sisters are also very good at this! (We all also sing!) All of this being said, I love to change things up in our home and I love to repurpose things I decorate with around the house. These days this is called "shopping your house", but I've been doing this since I first got married. I love to do this in the downstairs of our home and it seems like there are a few areas down here that I can't seem to get right. Because of that, I keep on arranging and rearranging things.

This is one area of my kitchen that I love and that gets changed up pretty often. 

Craving—this is so strange, I know, but I had a craving for Twizzlers so intense last night that I asked one of my sons to go pick some up for me. I'm rolling my eyes at my own self, trust me, because apparently I'm like a ten year old kid or Lorelai Gilmore.

Discussing—all the things! I love to talk to people, particularly those in my family and who are my friends, but I've also been known to be able to talk to a brick wall. I particularly love talking to my best friend and talk to her almost every single day. We talked yesterday and dreamed about another girl's trip soon. Fingers crossed that we get to do something fun again!

Enjoying—all of the beautiful flowers, bushes and trees with green! I love this about spring every year. The only thing I'm not enjoying is the pollen that makes us all sneezy, particularly my Graham. He struggles with allergies every spring. 

Preparing—I'm working on writing my portion of the next Bible study I'm helping write with a team of ladies from my church and we're all preparing for our girls' mountain getaway next week to finish up the writing! I'm excited about getting away for a few days and particularly with these ladies. We always have so much fun together. 

This was me writing last Thursday with all of my helps and Bibles spread all over the bench and kitchen table.

That's it for today! Thanks for reading my blog! Love to all. 


  1. That looks great, the pitcher with the books! I love to "shop my house" too. It is so fun to change things up!

  2. I wish I had a gift for decorating. I just don’t have that knack. Your kitchen area looks great! And I love that scene with all the Bibles and books spread all over. How wonderful that you were writing a study!

  3. Erin- Thank you! It's a really popular thing to do right now, and I love saving money in this way! I agree wholeheartedly, I love to make things look fresh with each season. Have a great rest of your week!

  4. Bri- Thank you! I do have a knack for it because of my mom that I mentioned, but these days it's easy to be inspired by beautiful accounts on Instagram and even on Pinterest! One of my favorite follows is The Nester on Instagram. She describes herself as a cozy minimalist, which is so appealing to me! I kind of try to do my own version of that same style.;) Enjoy the rest of your week!

  5. I guess the price for all the new green leaves and flowers is that pesky pollen! Hope you had a wonderful Wednesday!

  6. I am not naturally a home decorator so I admire people who are! But Bible study and mountain getaways are totally my thing!!

  7. Sometimes cravings just really hit you!!! That is good you were able to get your twizzlers.


  8. I am right there with you - enjoying all these spring flowers, trees and bushes!! I'm in love:) Too talking to a brick wall. We have one of those in our family too (but its not me)!! I do love to chat, though:)

  9. I'm with you - so nice to be seeing these signs of spring! The season change outside always makes me want to rearrange inside the house too.

  10. Tanya- you are so right! I'll take the good with the not so good. ;) Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Bella- thank you! I am also very easily inspired by what I see on Pinterest and in accounts of people whose blogs I've read for years. We have lots in common then, those are my things too! Take care!

  12. Shooting Stars Mag- RIGHT?! I have never been so glad to have people in my house who drive. Ha! Have a great weekend!

  13. Jennifer- it's the darndest thing, because I am truly an introvert! But I guess it's more like I have the ability to draw conversation out of people. Or chit chat. I just know I hate awkward silence. Ha! Take care!

  14. Anne- SAME! I'm just not as good as doing that in the spring and summer. Those are my two least favorite seasons, though, so that's probably why. I am all about warm/cozy and inviting! Which is why I decorate for fall on September 1 every single year. ;) Have a great weekend!


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